They were all talking to each other, as Atticus walked up, their conversation quieted.

"Ah. I would say congratulations are in order, Prince Atticus." Ronan remarked dryly. Atticus smiled politely then turned to his father and the foreigner.

They both made eye contact with him anticipating his words.

"Can I speak to you both?"

King Eirik nodded his head.

"Ambassador Ronan. I will see you tomorrow.-"

"But sire. I c-"

"May the night fare you well," King Eirik asserted as he turned away and led both of the men to a private chamber near the great hall. They all took a seat and waited for Atticus to speak.

"I'd like to know more about the Princess and this arrangement," he looks pointedly at his father. Then to the foreigner.

The black man extended his hand out to Atticus. "My name is Prince Hasani Adamako, Your Highness. I am King Adamako's 5th son in line for the throne."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Prince Hasani. Now can someone tell me what arrangement has been made? I know I am not marrying a princess from a far land without reason."

"You are right Atticus. The Mardalian kingdom sent their delegate Prince Hasani here 2 weeks ago to broker a deal between our nations," his father says.

"Yes, my kingdom is under threat of being colonized by a tyrant in our land. He has amassed a brute military of men who have been conquering smaller kingdoms and then recruiting or enslaving people. They are gaining popularity daily from those that believe the heretics of this Tyrant. Then there are those that are running into our borders daily to seek refuge and shelter.

"We are planning and amassing soldiers but we need aid. Your father has graciously offered us men, weapons, and technology that we do not yet have in our kingdom and in return we are giving our most beloved Princess to be your queen." His accent was thick as he spoke the words of my language.

"And what do we benefit from doing this?"

"We are pledging to export our spices, ivory and salt for 30 years, and as your father requested an heir within 3 years."

"An heir?" Atticus turned to his father. He knew having an heir was required of him. The council was adamant about it, but why from this nation of people and why so soon.

"Mardalia is a rich nation. Gold and diamonds are abundant in their land. It would be beneficial to have an heir that binds our two great nations together. We will be an unstoppable power together. With our army and their resources, we could move mountains."

Atticus mulled this over as he looked from man to man. He saw the advantages to allying their kingdoms, but it was so abrupt, and there was little his father didn't keep him privy too. Ever since the foreigner had turned up he had hidden things from him that were not usual.

"And what about the Princess?"

"My sister's name is Aisha. She is 20 years old and the oldest of my father's daughters. She is loved in our country and will make a great wife and excellent mother."

"Then, I will make her experience here in our kingdom one of comfort."

"Thank you Prince Atticus, that is all we can ask."

"Your Princess will be safe and welcome here," he responds.


Hasani left to his kingdom the following day and promised to be back in 3 months time with more resources and the princess.

Queen Izella had taken it upon herself to coach her son on how to court and treat a lady meant to be his wife.

"Mother I have been with many women. I do not need these lessons."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Those were whores and maids. We are talking about a princess."

"If you are so worried about someone's love life, bother Axel. There have been many maids coming through his room the past few months. Now, please I must go to father."

Izella huffed and went to go seek out her youngest son. As she made her way away, she could not help but wonder about the new princess that would be entering their halls. To the king's appreciation she had sired 3 heirs for him but no girls. It was lonely for her, but she loved her sons and her king.

She wanted to make sure Atticus was the best man to her he could be. She knew he took his duty as the next in line seriously, but she didn't want him to lose sight of how to be a good husband, something their father had been great at.

King Eirik was a doting and loving husband when he didn't have to be king. It was known throughout the kingdom that Queen Izella was the King's beloved. His love for her was evident to any person with two eyes.

Izella wanted that for her sons too. To love and know love as she and their father had.

Her hunt for her son lead her to his chambers, where she found him disheveled in bed. She could tell he was naked under his thin sheet.


He started awake with a yelp. His blurry eyes focused on his mother with a frown.

"What? Why would you do that mother?"

"You're brother has informed me that you have been fraternizing with the maids again. Didn't I tell you I would fire them if I found out there were more?"

"Oh mother, then what are they here for," he groaned.

"Axel, when did you grow to think so lowly of women?"

He rolls out of bed with his sheet wrapped around his waist as he walked over to his wardrobe.

"I do not think lowly of all women. Just some women and then I bed them, mother."

"You are a prince, you cannot be so crass and irresponsible. I will have a discussion with the maids. They will know that lying with you will lead to their termination," she said turning on her heel and walking out of his room.

She runs into her middle son Aurelius. He is dressed in his armor, with a pastry in hand.

"Are you heading to the armory to sword fight?"

"Yes mother."

"How will you find love when all you do is sword fight?"

What? Why was he under attack suddenly?

"How will I defend this kingdom and you in it, if I don't?"

She sighs. "Will none of my sons hear a word I say today?" She asks exasperated, throwing her hands up in defeat and walking away.

Axel sticks his head out of his chamber door and makes eye contact with Aurelius. They knowingly acknowledge their mother's antics and continue on with their mornings.

Aurelius passes a young maiden who is tip toeing to Axel's room as he makes his way to the armory. He shakes his head, knowing his mother's work is cut out for her.


Just getting things started, next chapter will introduce our princess!

Princess of MardaliaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant