Chapter 2

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It had been 10 weeks since Hasani had left his kingdom to travel to the kingdom of Pantoran. He was excited to come home and share the news of the aid he had acquired with their king.

Upon his arrival he was greeted with a celebratory welcome. His whole family gathered on the royal steps of their home to honor his arrival. His 4 older brothers stood next to each of their wives. His younger sisters stood next to their father and his youngest brother next to his mother.

He bowed to his father, the king.

The king reached down and lifted him up to embrace him in a hug.

"It is good to see you my son," he said in their native language.

Weeks of speaking a tongue that was not his surrounded by people that were not his own, was taxing. As much as he enjoyed traveling the world, home would always be home.

In that regard he was sad for his sister. She would be shipped to a kingdom that was not like their home.

He looked over at her beautiful face. Aisha was young and still optimistic about her role as the eldest princess. He was not sure how she was going to take the news off leaving home in 1 months time, but he hoped it was stress free and met with excitement.


Telling Aisha about her new role was not as simple as Hasani and his father had thought it would be. Aisha was devastated.

"But you told me I was betrothed to Prince I'ekae of the southern river. How can you promise my hand to another?"

"Aisha. Prince I'ekae cannot help us with this threat that we are facing. We need to ally with a nation that can help us keep our kingdom. We all must sacrifice to help our kingdom," Hasani says.

Aisha glares at him. "Have we all not given to the Kingdom? Our brothers are all married to women they did not choose, you refuse to marry at all and I- I who was promised love, will now become some stranger's wife."

"Aisha, you sound like a brat." Hasani groans.

"Papa please. There has to be another way. I have spent years dreaming of being I'ekae's wife."

"I'm sorry my daughter. You will be going. It is your duty to our family and our people," King Adamako says firmly.

Aisha stands up abruptly and bows to her father before leaving the room. Her whole life had been shattered. She was being sent away to a foreign country to be made a wife to a total stranger. With no friends, no family, no comfort.

She had always sacrificed for their kingdom like any Royal had to. What they had in abundance of riches, food and luxuries came at the price of their humanity and freewill. All of her brothers were married strategically, Hasani had sworn off the whole idea, and she was now being forced to marry some man in some country she had never been.

What more could her father possibly want? He had promised that she would marry I'ekae after her 21st birthday.

And now the King has found a loop hole to marry me off.

She threw herself on her bed in her chamber and sobbed. She could hear the soft footsteps of her younger sister.

"Don't cry sister."

Her little sister climbed her bed and gently rubbed her back.

"Oh Nef, you would not understand what is happening to me," Aisha cried into her lap.

"You are going to secure aid for us in our fight against Sepitus." The 15 year old stated.

"They are sending me to marry a man I have never met. To live and rule in a country I have never been.  And to bring forth an heir for that nation in 3 years time. I have not even met the man, how will I know I want have a baby with him," she cried.

Princess of MardaliaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora