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Just like any movie, I thought I would put in some extras for this story, considering I had some good ideas and concepts that were supposed to be in this book. I didn't put them in because of a few things, either there was no room for them, I decided that they were cheesy, or they were too random. I think of this as the deleted scenes and bloopers of the writing world, so without any further ado, let's get into it.

#1, Kitt and the Tesla.
I was just chilling with Bo on the couch in my apartment. We were watching a movie, although he seemed to be asleep half of the time. I didn't want to wake him, considering we spent the past few days at the Hospital together. Everything was fine. My watch buzzed, and I pulled out my phone to see what was the matter. I got a notification from Tesla. Sentry mode had been set off. Sentry mode is a lot like Kitt's surveillance mode. Whenever I leave my car in Sentry mode, all four cameras are constantly running, and if someone gets too close, the car will flash its lights and send me footage of what is happening. Sometimes if something more extreme happens, the car alarm will go off. I nudged Bo gently on the shoulder, and he woke,
"Huh? Did I fall asleep?" He asked with a yawn.
"Yes, but that isn't why I woke you," I replied.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"Tesla just sent me a notification saying Sentry mode went off, something is going on down in the garage," I answered.
Bo stretched and stood up from the couch. "Let's go see what's happening then."
I stood up after him. I didn't want to go alone, especially if someone had broken into my car. He led the way down to the garage. Through the stairwell since the elevator was still broken. Every day I started to hate the stairwell even more. It was just so long and inconvenient. Eventually, we made it down to the bottom, Bo had me scan my badge to open the door, and then we were in the garage. I walked over to my Tesla, just to find Kitt sitting directly in front of it.
"What is going on here?" I asked.
"I was trying to inspect your car, considering it has similar technology to mine, and it flashed its lights at me," Kitt replied.
"Why are you even here?" Bo added.
"I just said it, I was inspecting her car."
Bo and I looked at each other, then back at Kitt.
"You realize it constantly films videos of what happens, right?" I said.
"Okay fine, you caught me, I wanted to see if your car would respond to me. Like another version of myself."He admitted.
"It doesn't talk," I said.
"Well, I know that. But I was looking into Tesla in my free time and found out that they drive themselves, and to do that, you'd need some kind of Artificial intelligence, so I wanted to see if it would react to me."
"Is this your excuse for trying to get a Tesla girlfriend?" Bo joked.
"No comment"
Bo and looked at each other again, turned around, and headed back up to my apartment.
"Good Luck!" I shouted, before closing the garage door behind me.
"What a sly dog," Bo commented.
"I could say the same about you, the way you slipped me your number at the car show."
"You like it."
"Do I?"
(The reason why this one didn't make it was that I didn't have a place anywhere in the story where I could put it, so I tried to make another chapter after the race, and it didn't work out. I thought it was too crowded and eventful.)

#2, Bowling Bonanza.
(Just to clarify, this is Bo and Susan's first date.)
Bo had decided it was about time we went on our first date out together, and obviously, I wasn't about to shoot him down. What kind of person would that make me? Besides, we were supposed to have our first date, but that was stolen from us by Bo's crazy uncle, who is now in jail. He picked me up at exactly 3:00 PM. I got in his Trans-Am, he had the radio on, and some kind of country station was playing gently in the background. He pulled out of the Apartment complex, his car purring gently.
"Are you a good bowler?" He asked, his gaze focused on the road.
"Not really, I'm lucky if I even get half of the pins down during my turn"
He let out a soft chuckle, "Well, I ain't the best either,"
I looked in the mirror of the car, the afternoon sun almost blinding.
"We are being followed," I remarked.
"By who?" He asked.
"Of course, he would follow us, he just wants to make sure you're safe," Bo replied.
"I gotta ask, what do you think of Kitt?" I asked,
"He's cool, he lets me make out with you in his chassis, so I say I like him."
"Are you ever going to get over that?"
"Of course not! How can I ever possibly get over something like that?" He exclaimed.
I shrugged my shoulders as we approached the bowling alley.
"You're gonna love this place, it's 80s-themed," he said, pulling into the parking lot.
"Did I ever say I liked the 80s?"
"Well, you drive around in the most 80s car anyone can imagine, so I just assumed-"
"I'm messing with you! Besides, I don't drive the Delorean." I joked.
My watch buzzed. Kitt was probably about to start one of his infamous lectures on why Knight Rider is better than Back to the Future. (That's right, I said it.)
Bo parked in the spot closest to the door, then got out of the car. He walked around the front end of the car and opened my door for me.
"What a gentleman," I said as I stepped out,
Kitt pulled into the spot to the right of Bo's car.
"Susan, we all know I'm better than that fictional Delorean, how many times must I inform you?" He complained.
"I'm sorry, your royal highness." I teased, then walked into the bowling alley with my hand holding Bo's.
"Kitt's on a different level tonight, isn't he?" Bo said as he walked me to the counter to pay for our game.
"He's just a little wound up from winning that race earlier," I commented.  Bo sent me away to get our bowling shoes as he paid, which of course I did, without hesitation. I had worn a pair of UGG boots, so I was able to just slip them off and replace them with bowling shoes. We were in lane 3, Bo joined me slightly after, carrying his boots in one hand.
"You got a ball?" He asked.
"I was waiting for you."
(This part was never finished because it was supposed to be in the chapter after Chapter 22, and I got bored of it.)

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