Reasons Why I Love Huskies

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So, I've had Bear for about a year and a half and that's how old he is now. I wanna do this since I have some experience living with a husky and I know there are people who always debate about getting one. This is all just my opinion on huskies or just Bear in general so do not take my word for it. I will do another thing like this going over the chaos huskies can cause and why they wouldn't be ideal for certain lifestyles and homes. For now, let's all appreciate Bear and his fellow goofy floofers.

1. Huskies are very, VERY smart dogs. I know they wouldn't be the best service animals but, they are capable of learning and performing a wide variety of duties and commands. Just make sure they are alert and keep them from getting distracted. They are similar to humans with ADD/ADHD so they can either appear lazy or be extremely hyper. Trust me, this is how Bear is. He does already do some of the things a service/emotional support dog does and can be very energetic or lazy.

2. Huskies are dramatic. If you only have one and it's the only dog you have, you'll hear a very sad song about how you put a leash on and didn't take them out. It's worse when there's more than one. They will whine and complain until you open the door to let them out. Also, they will give you puppy eyes when you're eating just to get you to surrender your lunch and maybe grab your hand and make you keep petting them. Some huskies will cry if they get growled at or lose a fight with another pet. I know this because Bear got socked by a cat once and he let out a loud yelp in the middle of the night.

3. They can have some good conversations due to their ability to mimick words. Bear has talked back to us plenty of times and he can literally say "No" they same way we do. We tell him "No" when he starts getting into trouble and he'll say it right back perfectly. He also can say "Uncle," "Grandma," "Hello," "I love you," "Mom," and "Good morning." He knows the word "Outside" very well since we always ask him if he wants to go outside. He has said it a few times to get us to take him out.

4. Huskies have so much fur they practically have double chins if they tilt their heads down. Not to mention they do make great pillows. Just be sure you comb them often when they start shedding. It gets EVERYWHERE.

5. They are very curious and friendly. The only way to make a dog aggressive is by mistreating and abusing it while failing to socialize it around other humans and animals. This is something you should never do to a husky. They are monsters. They have bone-crushing jaws, sharp teeth and claws, and the ability to pull up to 3-5× their own body weight. They can seriously injure or kill if they are bred to be aggressive fighters. Also, huskies can run pretty fast and can run longer than most other breeds. Never abuse a husky and prevent it from socializing. Their wolf-like appearance can already scare a new, unsuspecting mailman. Socializing your dog will help ensure no one gets attacked with brute force. Instead you'll be attacked with kisses and hugs. Maybe even a tornado of fluff.

6. Their curiosity and genius combined can make for some pretty hilarious situations. Bear once rolled off the couch when he was messing around with a big slice of pepperoni. He wasn't sure about it.

Alright, that's about it. These are reasons why a husky is a great pet. Not everyone has to agree. I'm just putting my experience and opinions here to share a little of what life with a husky is like.

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