𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏

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"𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐘/𝐧!" 𝐑𝐞𝐨 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐝 onto team bus.

To say it was a luxury was an understatement. The smell of it was like a new car and the sleek leather seats in rows of two on the left and single seats on the right made it feel like a bus for celebrities rather than one belonging to a high school soccer team. The soft carpeted floor made you want to take your shoes off to keep from ruining it and the windows were tinted to make it darker and the soft blue lights that were along the top allowed people to sleep better. In the back, there was a row of three seats, and the single seat on the right could turn around and face them.

Reo smiled as he waved at you, trying to get you to sit with him and Nagi in the three-seat area. You gave him an apologetic smile as you instead sat next to Isagi, who was near the middle. You watched as the rest of the team climbed on the bus, some holding blankets and other things to get comfortable for the ride. You tapped your foot anxiously as you waited for Chigiri.

"Looking for something?" Isagi asked as you leaned back in your chair, the plushness of it making it easy to want to forget your frustration and go to sleep. You let out a sigh you turned to look at him.
"Ego said that Chigiri won't be playing if he can't get his act together by today," you admitted. "And what gets me is there's nothing wrong with him. He's just afraid of reinjuring himself."
"Are you gonna talk to him?" Isagi asked.
"That's about all I can do," you shrugged helplessly, having tried everything else you could think of. "But if he yells at me again, I'm gonna check him." The striker chuckled, having heard what happened between you and Chigiri from Bachira. He was honestly surprised that Chigiri got away with it without another injury.
"Well, try not to—"
"Chigiri!" You shot up the moment you saw the redhead enter the bus, eyes downcast and dull like they were when he was on the field.

Now was your chance, you thought as you waved him over.
"Over here!" He looked from left to right, seemingly shocked that you were talking to him before he reluctantly made his way over and sat in the seat across the aisle.

"I wanted to thank you."

Start off with small talk. You didn't want him to think all you cared about was his soccer career.
"I got an A on my homework, and it was all thanks to you."
"No problem," Chigiri said quietly.
"Oh, and I was talking to Ego..." You looked around as the bus took off, the engine whirring as you headed toward your destination. You made sure that everyone was engrossed in their conversation so as not to embarrass him before leaning forward.
"He said that if you don't start playing how you used to, another person will take your spot...permanently." Chigiri blinked at you, face blank and completely relaxed as if you hadn't said anything. The awkwardness of it all pressured you to talk more. "Listen, Chigiri, I can't say I know what you're going through because I don't, but-"
"So be it." You froze at his words, so shocked that you couldn't believe what you'd heard for a moment, and you could only watch as Chigiri leaned back in his seat. "If Ego wants to replace me with someone else, then let him. I was looking for a reason to give up anyway." Before you could try reasoning with him, he put his headphones on and closed his eyes.

"He can't be serious," you said, turning back to Isagi, who had been listening the entire time.
"You should let him do him," he suggested. "I've tried to reason with him too, and as much as I hate seeing wasted talent, there's only so much me or you can do." You slumped back in your chair, letting out a dejected sigh as you reluctantly accepted that you've done all you could.
"I heard he was really good," you whined. "I would've loved to see it. "


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