𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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"...𝐧...𝐘/𝐧...𝐘/𝐧, 𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐮𝐩!"

"Y/n? What a pretty name..."

You shot up from your bed at the sound of the strange voice, head whirling from side to side across your empty room, searching for where it came from. Must've been a dream. You blinked the sleep from your eyes. You hadn't even realized you'd fallen asleep until you noticed the rising sun casting a low light in your room. There was a light shining from your floor and you peered over your bedside to see it was the light of your phone. You picked it up, turned it off, set it down on the nightstand, and prepared to go back to sleep. As you lay down, you allowed the sound of cars driving along the road outside your window and the distant chatter of people as they passed your house to lull you to sleep.

Wait, was that always there?

"Y/n!" You jumped, quickly turning to see your grandad standing in the doorway you could've sworn you closed. "Get up, or you'll be late for school!" Your brow furrowed, still half asleep as you tried to remember the conversation you had with him yesterday.
"But I haven't decided-"
"Here's your uniform." The old man walked further in and placed an outfit wrapped in plastic on the foot of the bed. You looked down at the label.

Y/n L/n

Namikaze High

You couldn't even remember if you'd seen that school on the list.

"Breakfast is ready when you get downstairs." He left.

You sighed, pulling the outfit out and frowning at the sight of it. It was a white uniform shirt with a black tie and vest. It came with a plaid black and white skirt that was shorter than you'd have preferred for school and hideous brown dress shoes. You stood up, feeling too confused and honestly too tired to question it as you took the uniform and went to the bathroom. While you previously didn't go to a school that required uniforms, you had friends that did which helped you learn how to style them. You dug around through the second bag you brought to carry smaller items. You took out some hair ties and some braiding jewelry, thankful that you decided to get your hair done just before you came here, you put your hair in a high ponytail, rummaging through the gold ones to pick some silver charms that would pair well with your outfit. You dug through your bag before finding two matching gold and silver necklaces, and then you stacked as many silver bracelets as you could on one wrist.

You didn't know if they provided backpacks or not, but the only bag you brought that would match your outfit was a pursuit with a matching wallet. Guess that'll have to do. You stepped back and frowned. The uniform wasn't bad now that you had added some accessories. But even still, you were less than fond of having to look the same every day and made a mental note to go out for some vests and stuff that would match.

You headed downstairs where your grandfather stood in front of the stove, a plate of homemade french toast on the counter beside him as he hummed along to the soft music he had playing. You glanced out the window at the building across the road. view, you could see the sign that read, Namikaze Private Highschool.

"Well, look at you, getting all dressed up," your grandfather said as he set a plate down on the table, and you were quick to sit down and dig in, frowning at his compliment.
"I look plain," you said with a mouthful of food. "Just like every other girl walking right outside our door." Your grandfather glanced out the window before looking down at you.
"Nah, you know how to add a little touch to what you wear," he said "Your mother did the same thing. A necklace or ring or bracelet can make all the difference." You knew there was truth to that. From the looks of it, the girls outside had put on their uniforms and a little makeup and gone. right out the door. But even so, you doubt you'd stick out much because of a little piece of jewelry.

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