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A/N: So uh... I watched the first part of the AOT Final Chapters a few days ago... Writing this hurts way more than before, if you know what I mean, even as a manga reader. With that in mind, I hope you enjoy the final chapter of this fanfic that has gone for way too long :) Thank you for being here, my friends <3


Without another word or thought, Hange ran forward and dove off the cliff's edge towards the cove below. She stretched her hand out to the unconscious boy who fell in front of her as if that would somehow help them, a streak of blood floating off his forehead.

All she could hear as she tumbled was the roaring of the ocean—thrashing against the cliffside and the rocks—debris crashing into the water. She knew how terrible of a decision she had made and the consequences that would follow, but all of that was washed away the more she looked at her friend.

He crashed into the ocean first, sending surges of water up to meet her before she, too, plummeted into the ice-cold spray. Hange fought the urge to gasp as the freezing water felt like daggers pressing against every inch of her skin. She forced her eyes open—ignoring the pain that flooded through—and looked around desperately.

Not too far away, she saw him floating just beneath the waves of the aggressive ocean, tiny bubbles floating up from his nose. Not allowing herself a second to panic, Hange swam forwards towards him and pulled them both above the water.

Hange gasped for air, the metallic salty taste of ocean spray coating her tongue. Struggling to keep Levi afloat, she pulled him onto her back and draped his arms over her shoulders. She pulled her upper body onto one of the rocks, shivering in the cold.

"S-stay with me... L-Levi..." she said, her voice barely above a whisper. She found it hard to breathe, as if there were icicles forming in her lungs. Her fingers trembled and they felt numb as she held firmly onto wet cracks in the rock. She could've sworn she felt blood running down her hand from how tightly she gripped the jagged crevices.

 It was soon she noticed she couldn't detect his breathing and snapped her head around, eyes wide. Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic, don't panic. She reminded herself again and again until the feeling was embedded deep within her bones and she regained her composure. 

She shrugged him slightly, forcing his body backwards while still keeping a hold on his arms. His chin tilted upwards, opening his airways. After a few moments, Levi coughed, water running down his chin. As he gasped for air in ragged breaths, Hange smiled with overwhelming relief.


It was too cold for her to reply. Levi's grip on her shoulder tightened, fingers trembling ferociously. Hange felt slightly warmer as Levi regained consciousness.

"Get out... of the water..." Levi said in her ear, his voice barely audible above the tremendous roaring of the elements of nature. "We'll... f-freeze... You'll... die..." He took a sharp breath, before leaning into her body, trying to gather as much warmth between them as possible.

She could hear his uneven breathing, the warmth slipping away. He couldn't move any longer. He couldn't save them this time. It was up to her.

Move, she urged herself. Move your body, dammit! You dragged him here, you drag him back out, you dimwitted piece of crap!

Hange forced her eyes wide open and scanned her surroundings, looking for some way to escape. She eyed a bank in the distance, near the back of the cove. There was no way she could swim all the way there in one go... but she could use the rocks nearby to her advantage.

{LeviHan} Love is an Experiment! [Modern AU]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu