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It's been quite a while since I updated! I'm so sorry but the truth is now that school's started again and I'm in grade nine I won't be getting anything in frequently anymore 😭 Hopefully this chapter is good enough that it will make up for lost time ✌️


"Eh?! This is the campground?!" Hange gasped. "It's so... so... big! And magnificent!"

"Cool it, Four-Eyes," Levi said, walking up next to her with their suitcases. 

"But it's amazing!"

Levi sighed and shook his head. He turned to the teacher behind them.

"Sir, where are the others?"

"The grade nine buses got held up. We took a different route that would get us here faster so that the grade twelves wouldn't have to stay in that bus for too long anyway, but it seems the others won't be here until they remove a large tree in their path, so it'll be another hour before they get here. We have to leave soon to get to that plane on time. Will you two be ok by yourselves?"

"Yes, sir," Levi said. "I'll make sure to keep Hange out of trouble."

The teacher laughed.

"Alright, then. We'll be on our way now. I trust you both will be on your best behaviour. Besides, the camp staff are also around to keep an eye on you."

The teacher turned towards the bus and started walking away, waving.

"Right! I'll be on my way now!"

"Bye, sir!" Hange shouted excitedly.

She then took her luggage from Levi's hand and hurried towards the lobby, which was located inside a giant hollowed-out tree. Levi quickly followed her. 

Upon entering, Hange and Levi were welcomed with smiles and cheery greetings. A lady wearing a uniform similar to that of a flight attendant walked towards them.

"Hi there!" she said cheerily. "My name's Charli! You must be the ones from Olive Grove High, right?"

"Mhm!" Hange responded with the same amount of enthusiasm.

"We've already been informed about the others. We'll keep an eye on you until they arrive, ok?"

Hange and Levi nodded.

"Right then!" Charli said, clapping her hands together. "Why don't we get you two settled?"

She called to another staff member.

"Marty, could you please take this young gentleman here to his dorm?"

"Sure thing," Marty replied. He walked over to Levi and they started walking away together towards the front door. "What was your name?"

"Levi Ackerman."

Marty checked his folder.

"Ackerman... Ackerman... Ah, here you are! I know just where you are! Come along, Levi."

Charli turned to Hange and held up her clipboard.

"I'll take you to your dorm so you can drop off your stuff. What was your name?"

"Hange. Hange Zoë."

Charli flipped through the pages on her clipboard until she found Hange's name.

"Ah, here we go. Lucky you, you're at the very top of Blossom Building! From what I saw, that Levi kid was staying in that building, too, but on the third floor, the floor just below you. Come on. I'll show you the faster way to get there."

{LeviHan} Love is an Experiment! [Modern AU]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz