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Hange took a deep breath, preparing herself. She wasn't sure why she was so afraid as she lifted up her hand to knock on the door. 

Calm yourself, Hange, she instructed herself. You're just... going to check on him. You're safe. Everything will be fine. He will be fine!

She knocked on the door, standing restlessly as she waited for a response. The door soon slid open, a soft smile finding its way onto her lips as she saw the person she sought.

"Hange?" Levi said quietly.

"Hey. Mind if I come in?"

".. Sure." Levi opened the door and stepped aside as Hange strode in, wide-eyed.

"Funny how we've been here for so long and yet this is the first time I've been in your dorm," Hange said, looking around. "It's spotless. Wouldn't expect anything else from you."

Levi walked to the cupboard as Hange flopped down onto his bed, playing with the soft blankets that were folded neatly on the end of the bed. She watched as Levi boiled a small electric kettle, two cups laid out on the bench. 

She smiled, then laid down on the bed. It was warm and the sheets were slightly creased. He had been sleeping not along ago.

A rest well deserved for someone who works as hard as he does... I'm glad he's taking it easy.

Hange sat up as Levi walked over with tea and sat next to her.

"Have you heard?" he said. "They're planning something else."

Hange blinked. "Planning? Planning what?"

"There's a cruise at the end of the school year. It's like they spoil us so we don't focus on how horrible this school actually is."

"It's not that bad.."

Levi took a sip from his cup, looking at her with an unamused expression. "I felt safer back at my old neighbourhood. Hange, this school is filled with toxicity and useless teachers. There's barely anyone decent here."

".. If it's better back home, then why don't you go?"

"You're joking, right?"

"I mean... if you thought it was safer back home, then I think you should go... I wanted to talk to you about something and I think this kind of ties in nicely with what I wanted to say. I'm... worried for you, Levi."

"Worried for me?"

Hange nodded. "I feel like you're overworking yourself for my sake and not having enough time or energy to look out for... well, you. I just want you to take it easy."

"Hange, what are you talking about? I'm fine."

"Fine? Levi, you can't even partake in P.E. because your legs are damaged! You're not ok! This has to stop! I feel... horrible... because it was my parents who threw us all into this situation!"

"It's not your fault."

"No, Levi, you're misunderstanding. I'm not saying it's my fault. But you are hurt because of people I thought I could trust for once in my life but I was wrong, that part is my fault, but I can't control what they do. L-look, I just... I just want you to be safe and if you think it's safer back home then you should go because-"

"I don't want to go back."


"Despite it feeling safer back home I... would rather stay here."

"What? Levi, you're not making any sense! Why would you want to stay here?"

"Because... you're here, Hange. You might not think so because I keep dragging you into danger but I care for you too. I want you to be safe. And because I don't trust anyone here..."

{LeviHan} Love is an Experiment! [Modern AU]Where stories live. Discover now