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Eve flung open the doors to the ballroom, gaining everyone's attention. She was breathing heavily, having just run around half the mansion to get back to the ballroom. Not to mention the look of genuine worry on her face was disturbing.

"Eve?" Miss V asked gently, walking over to her. "What's wrong?"

"Charlotte..!" Eve gasped. "Charlotte sent the hunting dogs out to retrieve Hange and Levi!"

Everyone's expressions changed as they realised the seriousness of the situation.

"Where are they?" Ben asked, walking forwards.

"They ran into the forest! Levi ran out there and Hange followed him! The dogs will get 'em both before they find each other, I'm sure!"

"Alright, kids, I'm going out," Miss V said, starting to walk out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Raina asked.

"To find some weapons."

"You're not gonna go after them, are you?"

"Well of course I am!"

"No offence, but you don't really seem like the um... the fighting type," Grace stated.

Miss V smiled.

"Just because I have a small, frail structure doesn't mean I can't fight."

"Well, then at least let us come with you!" Louis said.

"I can't endanger you guys. You're my students, but I also care about you." She turned to the servants in the room. "Look after them, please. Don't let a single one out."

Hange ran through the forest, running out of breath. She couldn't keep up this pace for much longer. She had heard barking just before, but they soon faded away into the distance. Her family didn't own dogs when she was a kid, but it had been eight years since then.

Perhaps her father had become part of the hunting business and used the animal pelts for his clothes, which would explain why her mother was so mad. Despite being a horrible woman, she could never harm a beautiful woodland creature. 

Children on the other hand were her specialty. But she only ever hurt them emotionally... She only ever hurt Hange emotionally.

She couldn't really be sending the dogs out for Levi, could she?! There is no way that's legal!

Hange leaned against a tree, taking in sharp breaths. It was hard to run in a dress, as she should've remembered from her childhood. Not that there was any time to change.

All her headdresses had been ripped out, her glasses were broken and one of her shoes was missing. Her dress was torn and stained and her hair was messy after the elastic band that kept her hair up fell out.

Hange quickly snapped her head around as she heard a noise, slowing to a stop. There was a rustle in the bushes nearby. A growl. Two faint yellow eyes glowed in the darkness. A dog.

It... it followed me. But I thought they were after Levi! What could've made them change targets?! Unless... they were after me all along?!

Hange took a step back and a paw stepped out of the bushes in response. Hange let out a soft cry as she turned and ran deeper into the forest. There was no way she could outrun or outmaneuver these dogs. They probably even knew the landscape better than she did. Not to mention it was dark.

But there was nothing she could do as the barking became louder and louder. She looked behind her. The dogs were in view. Hange yelped as she was suddenly pulled to the side just as the dogs snapped at her back.

{LeviHan} Love is an Experiment! [Modern AU]Where stories live. Discover now