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Hange pushed open the great, intricately designed doors. "This is the ballroom!" she shouted, her voice echoing.

Levi slowly walked in, taking in the large space.  "This is larger than my house..." he whispered.

He turned to Hange, who was taking off her shoes. Hange began to skate around the ballroom with her socks, humming a tune to dance to.

"Come on, Levi!" she called. "Join in! It's fun!"

Hange twirled over to a screen and swiped and tapped on it. Music began to flood the ballroom through large speakers in the ceiling. 

Levi watched Hange twirl around, then he took his shoes off and started to skate over to the middle of the room. Hange skated towards him and grabbed his hands, sending them twirling around the ballroom together.

They started to dance together along with the music. Hange hooted in joy as Levi spun her around.

"You're such a good dancer, Levi!" she said, smiling.

Levi smiled softly and continued to dance with Hange until the thirty-minute track stopped.

The two continued to muck around the mansion with each other—sliding down banisters, dressing up and sneaking up on the staff going about their daily business. 

By the time the storm was over, Hange's parents had finished with their work. Hange quickly got changed into her parents' favourite dress and did up her hair, then touched up Levi's hair and clothing. 

They sat on Hange's bed, talking to each other and laughing. They could hear Hange's parents walking up the hallway towards her room. The doorknob twisted.

"Hange?" her mother said softly as she opened the door. "What are you guys doing in there?"

Hange's parents walked in and saw them both talking to each other and sitting nicely on her bed.

"Oh, such distinguished little children," Hange's father cooed. "I haven't seen Hange sitting this still ever! What have you done to my daughter, Levi?"

"You both look absolutely stunning!" Hange's mother said. "Levi. You're welcome to come any time to keep Hange company."

Levi nodded in thanks. "I should probably get going," he said, sliding carefully off Hange's bed. "It's getting late."

"Would you like us to drive you home?" Hange's mother asked.

"No thanks," Levi said. "I appreciate the offer, but I'd rather walk."

"I'll have a servant escort you out."

"Bye, Hange."

"Bye, Levi!"

Hange's parents would even let Levi go out for lunch with them every now and then since they noticed how good he looked and how good Hange looked since they met each other. But what they didn't notice was how happy they were together.

The pair would continue to have many adventures together as best friends for many months to come, until that fateful day...


"You're... leaving?"

Hange bit her lip and nodded.

"But why?"

Levi got up on his feet and walked across the dry autumn leaves to Hange, who stood at the edge of the haven.

"My parents... are sending me to a boarding school... far away."

"But you'll be back, right? We— we promised each other that we would always be together!"

Hange started to sob and she tried her best to wipe her tears away.


"I'm never... c-coming back," Hange cried between sobs. "They don't... w-want me... t-to stay here! They w-want me... to b-become the best girl... I can be a-and so... they're sending me away!"

"What do you mean? You are the best girl you can be!"

"I'm... n-not enough f-for them!" Hange's sobs died down slightly so she could speak clearly. "They must've found out what we've been doing together. You're no longer welcome in our house... I'm sorry!"

"Hange... it's not your fault."

"I'm... I'm leaving now. I wanted to come say goodbye before I left. To my best friend in the whole wide world."

Levi looked at Hange with sad eyes and wiped her cheeks. His eyes widened in surprise as Hange leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.

Hange stepped back towards the thick wall of leaves, her cheeks red and wet with tears. "Goodbye, Levi."

Hange turned around and ran, tears streaming down her cheeks like the waterfall they very much loved to visit. 

Levi stood there in shock for a few moments before jolting himself to his senses and running after her. "Hange!" he shouted. "Hange wait!"

He ran out of the forest and saw Hange's family car driving away. He chased after it as it drove down the road, calling Hange's name. "Hange!"

But it was too late. Hange was gone.

Levi slowed down and caught his breath, breathing harshly in the middle of the road. "No..." He wiped the sweat away from his mouth.

He looked up again as the car drove away, over the hills and out of sight. "Hange!"

Levi cried out once more, hoping that maybe, just maybe, his best friend would hear him and come back—like the goddess she was.


{LeviHan} Love is an Experiment! [Modern AU]Where stories live. Discover now