2. Old loves and spilt coffee

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"Ten seconds in and you're already talking popping cherries" Tommy teased, lightly punching my shoulder.

"Was it bad?" I asked him, grimacing with a flush to my damn cheeks.

He laughed, bending down to pick up his black Gibson Les Paul. "You absolutely came off as star-struck, yeah. Was quite the show though, you fuckin' weirdo."

I bought my hands to my face, lightly shaking my head and screaming internally.

Why could I never be cool and mysterious?

"Yeah you fuckin' weirdo" Lee laughed approaching us, mimicking Tommy's sentiment.

"I thought you said this sort of run in was uncommon, Lee?" I spoke with gritted teeth, my tone showing my frustrated humiliation.

"Just your luck" he chuckled with a shrug, pinching the space between my shoulder and neck.

Stage please swallow me up now.

We headed back to our area to stow our gear away, planning to get out and see some of Auckland before the chaos of the next few nights was to commence.

I couldn't help but replay my earlier interaction with Harry in my head over and over. I knew he was attractive - even a blind man could tell you that, but there was just something about him I couldn't quite put my finger on. Intimidating was a word that came to mind but I couldn't explain why. It took a lot to shake me.

Maybe because he's psychotic-level good looking, Evie?

Yeah, it was probably that. Lost in my thoughts I was interrupted.


A female voice I wasn't familiar with sounded at the open door of our dressing room.

"Sarah, hi" the brunette walked into the room extending her hand to meet mine, her fringe almost completely covering her blue-green eyes.

"Band or crew I'm assuming" I approached with a smile, "I'm Evie."

"Band, yeah! Actually a few of us were going to go grab a bite and some drinks down the road, if you're interested in joining us" she continued with a warm inviting smile, "would save for introductions tomorrow."

Her voice was meek and sweet. I turned round to the guys to gauge their interest.

"This old man might call it a night" Lee laughed, pulling the first of many 'age cards' for the tour. I rolled my eyes.

"You're only forty mate" I groaned, then looking to the others "Ror, Sam, Tom?"

"Don't have to ask me twice" Tommy stated, grabbing his denim jacket, approaching Sarah to say his hello as the other two followed suit.

I chucked on a worn leather jacket and had a look once-over at my face and unfruitfully attempted to spruce myself up, just incase I had another run-in with Harry.

Oh god, who am I???

In the van, Sarah introduced us to some new faces. There was Mitch, who I sensed must have been her partner. I also sensed he may have been a quieter guy, judging by the shy smile and wave he gave us. There was Pauli the percussionist who took no time to pull us all into enthusiastic hugs. I was next introduced to Ny and Elin who both welcomed us warmly. I took my seat next to Sam, who shot me a quick smile as if to confirm my thoughts here - this was a nice welcoming group and this could be a lot of fun.

Harry's presence was notably absent and I was somewhat relieved. The short ride to the pub was spent talking to any Ny who spun around in her seat to speak to me. She was actually from New Zealand, so we were automatically bonded basically being neighbours.

Evie | H.S |Where stories live. Discover now