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[blocky-focused fic]

[ blocky remembers the old times. this is placed in the future, after bee-eff-dee-ai]


[also i saw this thing in my notifs and i feel like proving this isnt cliffhangered >:(( ]

— ★

It's a very windy day today. The forecast said it may rain soon. One can't risk getting sick from a simple rainy day. The wind can be heard past the window.

Blocky lives in an apartment, as he rests on his warm, red bed. If you look out the window, clouds can be seen from afar. A balloon flies away, into the depths of the sky.

Blocky sets his phone aside, at the left of his bed. He decides to look out the window, got to check if the clouds got darker or not.

As of now, the clouds have stayed the same, luckily. The chance of rain is still possible. Blocky then looks down at the window, where he can look out to the park. There seems to be some kids playing.

As Blocky can see, there are four of them. They all run around, probably having the time of their life right now. It reminds Blocky of himself.

— ★

"Hmm... What if we play some TAG AND SEEK!" A boy with a red cap said. "What's that?" A more deeper voice said. He wore a grey jacket.

"It's a game where you— like— uh...—" "It's a mix of Hide and Seek and Tag!" "Yeah!" The other two seemed more intriguied. In the very green flower field were four young boys, all playing together. They liked to laugh, make fun of others, and maybe prank.

"Sounds fun. I'm in!" "Same." "Okay, lets pick who's the seeker!"

The one with the red cap pointed at everyone and was counting. ". . . 27, 28, 29, 30! Snowball, looks like you're the tagger!" Snowball seems to be the one in the grey jacket. "That's good. Now you guys won't escape from me!"

"Just count up to 20, and we'll hide in the forest!" The one who sticked to a more blue color pallete said. "Pen, what if we climbed one of the trees?" "Woaah, that's a good idea, Eraser! He will never find us up there!" The two were Eraser and Pen. If all three of them are here, of course Blocky is the one with the red cap.

They'll have lots of fun.

— ★

It's been a while since he saw his best buds. Other people, too. How has Firey and Leafy been doing? Did they fix their problem? Is Woody still the little scaredy cat he'd tease now and then?

Oh, the announcer too! After BFDI, where did he go? Is Pin and Leafy's alliance still alive or has it been forgotten? Speaking about alliances, Match, Pencil, and Bubble had one. Is it still working out?

Blocky has so many questions he could ask all the people he knew, but the competition is over. The sky seems to be clearer now. The sun shines down the curtains, brightening the room up. A nice scene, if you ask me.

Sometimes, Pen and Eraser would visit. Snowball also does, too. Coiny does visit, but quite rarely since he has other work to do. Probably related to his rivalry to Firey, maybe.

Blocky flops onto his bed. Maybe he could just think of his next upload.

— ★

Blocky stood there. He felt like kicking someone.. because it would be a funny prank, right? Or because he felt like doing something, rather than being bored and just standing there.

He looked at the tan wood, and thought he would be the best candidate! He decided to kick Woody.

— ★

The competition. It was really fun, truly. He didn't win and got eliminated near-beggining, but atleast he wasn't first, unlike Flower! She was eliminated first, however didn't she rejoin?

He doesn't remember anymore. He forgot what other stuff happened during BFDI. It's been so long. He wants to remember, because..

It would remind him of when all of them were together.


You know, what if he just rewatched BFDI? It should be up on ObjectTube.. And yes, it was! Now he can watch BFDI again.

He can't re-expierience the memories, but he can watch them begin once more. Not his fault everyone left.. or died. Eventually, he will too.

pranking time! // woodblock oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now