it was your fault

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five times blocky and woody enjoy their time, and one time where blocky stood alone.

[ i'm sorry for 5 days of no recent updates!! i was a bit busy, sorry. ]

[ february 18, 2023 ]

— ☆

To stand, holding hands with your lover is a wonderful thing. To enjoy their presence, their smile, and the little laughs that both of you do together..

Blocky holds Woody's hand tightly, making sure that the light-brown one knows that they will be safe within Blocky's grasp, through thick and thin.

Enjoying the short walk back to their apartments, they enjoy the soft breeze passing through. The birds are happily chirping. They slowly open the apartment doors, and climb up the several stairs up to their own room.

Blocky goes inside the room, closing the door. but Woody stays out. There is a messy, red bed, but the other tan bed is simple. A little photo frame sits by the bedside desk, with the two enjoying their time.

Woody stays out, and leaves. He never spoke within the journey, and so did Blocky. They never made eye-contact.

Blocky walks into the bathroom, and looks in the mirror. He is fine, that is all he knows.

— ☆

It's been a few weeks. It's a rainy day today. Blocky is sitting on a chair by his awfully messy desk, where he plans out his funny doings. He looks out the window.

The rain slowly drips onto the window, making a little tip-tap noise. A soft, noise that could barely be heard. While looking at the window, he sees the reflection of himself. He seems fine, that's what he believes.

While looking at the reflection, he also sees a bed, but not his own. It was Woody's bed, staying at the side. He then remembers how Woody was a bit— scared of rain. It reminded him of the thunderstorms, and thunder scares him alot.

Looking at Woody's bed, no longer from the reflection of the window, he sees the other boy laying peacefully on the bed, underneath the covers. At his side, you can't seem to see his face.

As long as he was comfortable, that was fine.

Blocky then wamted to check if Woody was doing okay, because of the rain. Maybe to check if he was simply asleep. However, by the time he was about to go to him, he blinked just once, and then Woody was gone.

Blocky was confused, since he was gone, all so sudden. No sound or footsteps. But it doesn't matter. He was probably busy.

— ☆

What a great day it is today. The two took a visit to Gelatin's Steakhouse. Sitting there, peacefully.

Ordering his food, only Blocky does that. Woody does not, nor he was asked on what he wants.

Enjoying the moment, waiting patiently for the food. Blocky eats, Woody does not.

He sits quietly, looking at the window. Or that is what Blocky believes. One cannot exactly tell what the other does. He does not look at him, nor speak. Both of them doesn't speak.

— ☆

It's night. Blocky is at his desk, editing the newest Blocky's Funny Doings International prank. It should be around... 12? 1? He doesn't know, but he just has to finish this new prank video.

It'll be funny!

"—a prank, we'll k—"

He viewed that part, but paused.

Then, he feels hungry.

Blocky walks to the kitchen. His feet slowly tap the wooden floors, slight footsteps easily making noise. Turning on the once dim light, and seeing a figure who he knows.

Woody stood there, at the fridge. He seems to be getting something. Blocky ignores him. He walks to the cabinets, and reaches up some snack for him to eat. The moment he turns back to check Woody, he is gone. The fridge is left open.

Blocky walks up to it, and closes the fridge, walking back to his computer, a KitKat in his hand. He takes a bite out of it, then sets his hands onto the computer, about to edit, but he recieved a notification.

"it was your fault, blocky"

— ☆

What was he supposed to do again? He forgot. Blocky forgot. All he knows is that he feels like he should go outside of the apartments. The red block opens the door, seeing the bright light shine on him, and a figure, once more.

His dear Woody, standing in front of him. They seemed to have made eye-contact. Woody makes a hand moment, showing that Blocky should follow him. Then, Woody runs. Blocky tries to run to follow him, but the other seems to be very fast.

Chasing and running for several minutes, yet it only feels like a few seconds. The wind, it blows loudly. Woody keeps running and running, down the slightly dirty path they are running on. Blocky continues to run.

He feels like giving up, yet he cannot. It is a questionable feeling, one that Blocky is not able to describe. The feeling of perseverance.. how splendid, truly.

The more they ran, the more clouds came. Blocky should go back, it might rain, the clouds are covering the sk—

They have reached their destination. It was a simple, gated place. Woody stood right below a sign, which Blocky red.

'Yoyleland Ce——y'

The words have been crossed out. Blocky enters, and Woody walks carefully to one of the smooth stone plates, standing straight up from the ground.

Blocky reads the other stone plates.

'Coffee Cup'

'Magenta Tile'

But, there was one specific one that they were supposed to look. Blocky couldn't read it. It was static.

"..You can read it.."

The sweet voice he knew well, said that quietly. But no matter what, he couldn't read it.


Try your best to read it. And so he did.. the name of this person was..



"He is gone, you see."

Blocky stares at the Woody he was following.

"Poor Blocky, you're simply hallucinating, you see. I'm not actually here." The other 'Woody' taunted him. Blocky then stares back at the grave.

"He died long ago, don't you know? Accept the fact..."

Blocky is confused. All those moments were simply hallucination.

When he did a prank with Woody, he was not there.
When they went to Gelatin's Steakhouse, he was not there.
When he went to sleep, the other bed is completely empty.

He is alone, and he just standing alone.

"You should have saved him while you could."

pranking time! // woodblock oneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ