[ shitpost ] battle for free robux!

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[ a sentient four-legged firey plush is holding me captive help ]

[ february 27, 2023 ]

What a great day, that's what Blocky thinks. The cars crashed into eachother, thanks to some weird green looking kid. Plus, Marker ate the Traffic Lights, so it's hard to drive.

The entire Iance seems to be in an alleyway.. a really vibrant yet dark alleyway like dealers.. but instead they are having sex. Then, the Death P.A.C.T. Police throws a piece of rotten plastic onto them and suffocates them, and then puts them in a truck and drives to the DPP Station.

There seems to be very many houses burning down, it seems. It's probably thanks to X being an entire sun. What a nice guy, giving us light, even though X is practically sobbing and crying. Maybe X should stop bawling, and start balling, like Eraser.

Eraser's in the Basketbomb Final 69, you know. He's really good at it, and his best boyfriend Pen is there to cheer him on, but he's actually part of the DPP, except he gets days off for his gay-ass action material biotic component testing of cheering for his love.

As he know, Firey and Coiny are world-wide criminals from breaking into houses by their windows, even if the doors are open. Surprisingly, they only steal food. At some point, they shave several cats' heads.

Flower's Shop broke and burned thanks to the criminal duo, and she's become an emotional wreck with awfully giant eyelashes lately. God save her from killing herself.

He looked at the sky. It's nice to have X transformed as a sun to infinetly burn and Lollipop as their tribe leader. Lollipop seems to be dropping FREE FOOD into a microwave. How sweet!

Blocky walks past a kid  and then steals his Candy. "NOO MY CANDY WAAH WAAAHW ANAJDJDQLODFIAOAO!!!!" The kid cries. Then he realises it's Grassy. His dear child, or criminal. Criminal Child? Yeah.

...Didn't Grassy run away with Firey Jr and Rocky to 'start a business and become extra super epicly awesomefully fucking rich'??? The 'fucking' part was Firey Jr.'s part though.

He just ran away from the alleyway ABNTT lives in. Even though the Tworonavirus-19 still exists, which makes you awfully british, no one bothers to wear masks since the Firey and Coiny duo burned them all.

Then he saw a stupid green kid at the road causing traffic, eating a piece of raw meat. He decides to take his raw meat.. So he ran like he was running from the DPP [ Death P.A.C.T. Police] except he's not one of the criminals, luckily.

Blocky gives the candy back. "Sorry Grassy didn't know it was you lil guy, anyway I have to tell you something!!" he says excitingly which makes Grassy excited. "Grassy wants to know!! Now!!! Right now!! Please!! Grassy want to know!! お知らせ下さい!! Grassy is wants to now!!! Please Blocky tell!!"

Blocky doesnt say anything. "PLEAAAAASE Grassy has been very good!!! Grassy didnt run away for 2763 months!! Grassy is so good!! please Blocky Grassy need to know now!! Grassy will cry if Grassy does not know!! Let Grassy know!!" And then finally, Blocky spoke,,

"You know what Roblox is, right, grass-boy?" "YES!! Grassy plays it with FJ and Rocky!" "Want some free robux?" "YEAH!!! FJ got robux from stealing, and Rocky got robux from Balloony, but I don't!" "Okay, so here's how."

Blocky takes out his phone. "You see this channel, right?" He shows Blocky's Funny Doings International. "And as you can see, there is a 'subscribe' button underneath, right?" Grassy nods, very excitingly. "Mhm!" "If you click it, you get free robux!"

Grassy is flabbergasted, shocked, eyes wide, within clouds, and alot more. "WOAH!! THANK YOU BLOCKY BYE!!" Then Grassy ran away, causing more cars to crash. "Whatever makes him happy. I should have scammed him instead, but nevermind."

— ☆

Grassy walks up to his computer. It's pretty old, but it's still working. He goes on the video call his dear friends FJ and Rocky are. "HI GUYS!!" "Bulleh!" "Hi Grassy! We're playing Item Asylum, wanna join?" "YEAH BUT FIRST GRASSY NEED TO TELL YOU GUYS SOME STUFF!!"

"?" "What?"

"GRASSY FOUND OUT HOW TO GET FREE ROBUX!!" Then FJ seems dissapointed, yet interesting. Luckily Grassy doesn't know anything about Sarcasm. "Oh wOw, how shOckiNG! Grassy, tEll uS!" "So if Grassy subscribes to this channel, Grassy gets free robux!!"

Grassy opens a tab and shares his screen, showing Blocky's Funny Doings International. "SEE??" He says, then clicks subscribe and checks Roblox. 3K ROBUX. Holy Anshine.

"WHAT THE FUCK, HOW???" "Bulleh, Bulle—" "Rocky fucking broke his computer but like, HOW???" "BLOCKY TOLD ME!! YAY!! ROBUX!!!"

— ☆

Grassy is ruining peoples lives with the power of robux, and worst of all, he doesn't even know it. He just wants to have fun, and he's having fun. "Maybe that wasn't the best idea." Blocky says, in a dissapointed way.

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