rejection is possible

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[ heres an early valentines oneshot! ]

[ don't worry about the title, it's not a sad fic !]

[ february 8 2023 ]

— ☆

the wood stood in his position, the comfy sitting position at a bench in a park. you see, he likes blocky, for a while now. it was so great when they finally established contact.. he used to be so scared!

but you know what he is still scared of, other than the millions of fears he has? rejection.

a long, long time ago, in season one, woody liked teardrop. woody may still do, but for now, that doesnt matter. he didnt say anything so he just tried a little sign or movement as confession, but teardrop kicked him.

clearly rejection.

he thought, what if, what if blocky rejects him, would he feel the pain that he felt when teardrop kicked him, again? he is scared. he does not want to feel that terrible feeling of rejection, again.

he doesn't. he truly doesn't.

a painful, heartbreaking experience it truly was. no, it was never dying, but it felt as if dying. your heart becomes slow and you feel like tearing up.

but .. the question.. will he confess? would he take the risk? the choice between to live happily with blocky, or to feel the same sadness as it was with teardrop long ago? that was the hidden message within a choice blocky should have been given.. he was never given the choice.

for woody will not confess.


but, maybe, just with enough time, woody will be ready to ask, to take the dangerous risk.

—  ☆

its been so long since woody last thought of confessing to blocky, and now here he is. around a month passed by already, and he feels like he would try to confess.

it was also february 14.. that was the valentines month, right? other than that—

he's ready to face the choice.. its broken heart or happy heart, but that is okay. he couldn't just send a letter to meet up, he never knew how, and won't try to figure that out. social interaction with strangers is scary for him.

he couldn't just walk up to his door and just say "hi there meet me up at place bye", that's gonna be weird and awkward! the only choice was to text.. he was also unfortunately afraid to text, so it took a while.

their chats were empty, usually filled with only blocky chatting since woody couldn't. he only read the chats.

— ourary 18 , 12:35pm —



—"can we meet at the small beach area late"


—"at sunsst"


—"Yeah sure!"

—"good that your trying to chat now"

— "brb gotta find grassy"

— "he got lost at the mall golf ball might kill me"

woody looked at the messages.



alright, he was really glad he managed to chat and tell him about the plan.. now, what should he bring? flowers? chocolates? he doesn't know.

to try his best to make blocky happy, maybe he would get anything blocky would like..

a box of chocolates with different flavors would be nice, and maybe woody can figure out his favorite one! some simple flowers too.. maybe some gladiolus, perhaps.

yellow, orange, and red ones would do well. the colors were truly warm, just like how the balsa wood felt with the red block.

the yellow and orange ones meant well wishes and congratulations, as they symbolise positivity, happiness and friendship.

the red ones meant about passion, romance, and love, and are usually gifted on valentines... it was perfect.

— ☆

now, there he was.

waiting for blocky, by the seashore. carrying the gladiolus and chocolate behind him, just to make sure the other wouldn't see it. woody went early, because what if.

he stood there, staring at the sunset. a nice shade of pink-orange, with lovely clouds floating peacefully. the soft winds blow through his face, and the waves calmly move forward, then right back in its old, lower position.

he looked back, and then starting feeling as if blocky wouldn't come, maybe he forgot, or didn't come on purpose. woody started to feel sad, until he saw the motion of someone red..

he blinked, and realised it was blocky. he felt a bit glad.

' ' phew.. so, what'd you want to meet about ? ' ' blocky said, as he looked at the other. ' ' ah... wah.. ' ' it was a bit awkward.. but woody tried.

' ' uh.. would you.. uhhh.... ' ' yep. absolutely hard.

' ' come on! you can say it! take your time,  buddy . ' ' woody decided to follow blocky's words.

' ' i..i like you.. blocky! ' ' the balsa wood said, as he showed the chocolates and the beautiful gladiolus he wrapped carefully within a bowquet. alright, blocky was definetly shocked.

woody saw his expression, and now he felt so scared. is blocky gonna reject him? is he about to be heartbroken once more? why did he even do th—

' ' oh.. wow.. ' ' thats what blocky said. hes loosing hope. ' ' i've never had someone confess to me before, so this is  a bit awkward.. but.. i guess i like you too! ' ' and then blocky said again.

woody wasn't rejected.

woody likes blocky, and blocky likes him.

woody is shocked.. yet so happy. he smiled cheerfully, you could see it so clearly. blocky took the chocolates and the flowers, and just held them tight with one arm, making sure they wouldn't fall, and so that he could hold woody's hand.

their body temperatures were quite different. woody was more colder than blocky's touch, but not cold enough to stop the wonderful moment.

they stared into the sunset, holding hands, enjoying the moment as a silhouette of a boat with the shadow of a spiky object and a leaf-like object went in the sunset.

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