Chapter 39: Jeongjingak troubles

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It was oddly quiet, Mudeok had been called to give people tea, she was giving Bu-yeon some tea now, only we know it's not Bu-yeon. I seen Lady Jin lean over and ask So-I something but I don't know what.

Uk went to do something, leaving me and Yul the only ones left standing where we originally were.

"Come on, I need to go check something, and I don't want to leave you here" Yul said, grabbing my hand and leading me somewhere.

"How can you be sure she's still alive?" We heard the crown prince say, as we came into view.

"Her majesty's lantern of life has not gone out. She is a member of the seo family" Yul said, somehow knowing what they were talking about.

"I'll find the real queen, and expose the impostor to all of the Unanimous Assembly" Uk told the crown prince, who looked at Yul, who just looked at him with a straight face.

So the Queen is a soul shifter, that would make sense as to why she didn't want Gwigu in the palace, and why he was causing such a fuss that day.

"So you want to drag me into your schemes of things?" The crown prince asked Uk, Turing back to him. "This also concerns your mother Doesn't it?" uk said.

"Once you expose her, what do you plan to do about the ice stone?" The Crown prince asked. "We follow the masters will as it is written in words of the heart" Uk said.

"Uk, the words of the heart is not about the ice stone" Yul told him, then the prince asked Uk if that was not just a lie that he made up so he could circumvent the situation.

"It was not a lie, the reason that he left the ice stone is definitely written inside of the words of the heart" Uk said. "The Master's words of the heart, was a letter he wrote to his dying lover. And he says he left something because he can't bear to let her go."

"Are you trying to say that the hero, who destroyed the ice stone to save the world, Fell for the temptation of that power to save just one person?" the frown prince asked

"Well, the foolish and grieving human heart wants to hold on against the laws of heaven and earth, and that is the confession of love he left in the words of the heart" Uk told him.

Suddenly thunder cracks from above us, startling us. We walked outside only to see that it is now foggy....

What is going on?


"First, sudden thunder and lighting. And now fog in the middle of the day?" The crown prince said.

"It's not just the fog. Something has gone wrong" Uk said, holding a blue cloth, the same blue cloth, that was on the ice stone.

"When is something not going wrong anymore?" I asked. Yul looked at Uk "while I was unconscious?" He asked, "yes, is something wrong with the ice stone?" Uk asked, but it wasn't answered right away as another voice was heard.

"Is this a dream? There are flowers everywhere" Beom said. "Are we dead right now? Is this heaven?" One of the boys he's always with asked.

"Hey, hey" the crown prince said, getting the boys attention "if we are in heaven, am I the great jade emperor right now, she's an angel?" he said pointing his head to me, like what do I have to do with this?

"Huh? A angel!" The boy said pointing behind us, we all turned to see a girl, the crown prince went to hide behind Uk, most likely scared if it is a angel.

"What is that?" He asked Uk. "I don't think it's an angel at least" Uk said.

The fog cleared enough that we could see it was just young lady Heo. "Are you all mages?" She asked.

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