Chapter 15: more incidents

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But before he could behead Park Jin,  yul stepped in, stopping uk before he could, getting ahold of his hand and telling Cho-yeon to bind it again, when she did, yul stepped away.

"Are you alright my Lord?" Uk said still shook from almost killing the man in-front of him who was glaring at him.

"What is the point of unsheathing the sword, when you cannot even hold it?" Everything was a bit tense after Park Jin had said that, then Cho-yeon started talking.

"He is just not able to control it for now. But his power is incredible, he even beat the crown prince with that. He broke his royal highness' sword"
She said, not making the situation better.

"Chi-yeon, stop intervening."  Her mother, lady Jin said, upset that her daughter would get involved in this in the first place.

"Yes, mother" Cho-yeon said looking down, all this talk about the crown prince being defeated seemed to catch Jin Mu's attention as he know seemed more interested in the topic than before.

"Uk, did you take up arms against the crown prince?" Park Jin said, "My Lord, Uk was not the first to start the fight" I said to him trying to contain his anger toward uk, but it didn't work.

"Did you fight against the crown prince?" He said louder, basically screaming at Uk.

"Yes" Uk said, while looking down. "His royal highness wanted to take the Gwanju's sword, so the two of them made a bet, my lord, even the crown prince forgave him" maidservant Kim said.

Everything felt a little tense then a voice finally spoke "after breaking the crown prince's sword, Uk threatened him, with a sword he can't control, he chose to put the crown prince's like in danger." Jin Mu, no wonder the voice sounded like nails on a chalk board.

"It wasn't his choice! As we have all explained, young master Jang had no control over it, I'm sure he wouldn't have willingly put his royal highness in danger!" I said, fed up with everyone accusing Uk of something he couldn't control.

"We were all there with him" yul said after my outburst "we were able to stop him"

"Meaning the five of you simply watched, and did nothing as his royal highness was ridiculed!"

Last time I checked the crown prince was still human meaning he would get ridiculed at one point or another, I don't know why this old man's making such a big deal out of this.

"This is an insult to the royal family!" Oh dear lord, forbid that the crown prince lose a fight because we stoped Uk from killing him.

The silence here was almost unbearable until Park Jin spoke again "lock up Jang Uk, he's a dangerous man with a sword he can't control at all" so instead of helping him, we're just gonna lock him up? Great idea, such a great leader you are Park Jin.

"Yes, my lord" sang-ho said.

Two mages then came and got Uk dragging him away, maidservant park not to far behind them.

"As soon as his gate of energy was opened, Jang Uk immediately drew his sword at the crown prince, cheonbugwan is not going to take this lightly" I didn't even know Jin Mu had moved closer to us till he was right next to Park Jin, his voice still sounding awful.

After his little tantrum was over he started waking, separating the group of us at the entrance to songrim, but before he stopped, turning and looking at me and mudeok with suspicious eyes, asking one more thing before disappearing completely.

"What's your name" the question was directed toward me


With a nod, he left, the mage that was right behind him kept his eyes on mudeok for a few seconds more before continuing walking as well.


After everything that happened I was worried about Uk, I found mudeok and maidservant Kim preparing tea and such for him I suppose.

"What will happen to him?" I asked gaining their attention. "Oh sweetie, I wouldn't worry about it, Lord Jin is just trying to protect him" she said, still fixing the tea.

I turned my head toward mudeok who seemed in her own world, "would you like to walk around for a bit till you have to go to him?" I asked her, she looked confused but nodded anyways.

"You look familiar, but I can't place it" she said as we walked around, ahh this again.

"A lot of people say I resemble the shadow assassin, Naksu" I said back to her, I seen her turn her head to look at me, as if in disbelief of the rumors.

"Do you think so as well?" I thought about it for a moment. "Honestly, people always told me I looked like what they had heard she looked like, and those who did know what she looked like told me I looked identical to her only with silver hair, and a bit younger, so I'm not sure" I said pausing before continuing, "but that day, when they burned her body, although I didn't get the greatest look at her, I won't disagree with them and say I look nothing like her"

She seemed lost in thought for a second before speaking up "I must go find maidservant Kim" and with that she was off.

(Italic is what mudeok is thinking, !this chapter only!)

She dose resemble what I used to look like, but that's impossible, I have no siblings, other than- no don't be dumb she was took, and probably died a long time ago.

(Back to regular pov: aka Yuna's pov)

We were in the secret room again master heo was looking at Uk's arm.

"Jin Mu of cheonbugwan, only picked a fight because he knew that he would never become the next Gwanju" dang-gu explained to Uk, who looked like he could have cared less.

"He realized that you, the eldest son of the Jang family, will become the next Gwanju, you know." I have no clue where dang-gu gets his facts at, but I'm not going to try to stop him.

All Uk did was turn over on the table, seemingly ignoring everyone "Lord Jin's wounds are not that deep, nothing to worry about" I said hoping to cheer my friend up, but nothing still being ignored.

"About Jin Mu, don't worry I will have a word with him, okay?" Master heo said to Uk, all Uk did was sigh, I think he's going to cry.

I leaned over and gave him a quick hug, not knowing how he'd react to a longer one, before turning and looking at mudeok, "all right, please take good care of him" Dang-gu said to mudeok.

"He's super stubborn but I believe you can help him" I said before grabbing Dang-gu's hand he was holding toward me and leaving the room with him.

"I have faith in her, besides I think he has a soft spot for his maid" I said to dang-gu as we walked to where ever he was heading.

"Me too"

We were in Jeongjingak, Dang-gu was reading something, while I was sitting in front of him watching, making sure he didn't get distracted, which was bound to happen, or to go get him a book if he needed it. It was quiet till mudeok came over and put her hands on dang-gu's desk.

"Young master" she said kind of loudly, forgetting that we're in a library. She got quiet after dang-gu looked around making sure no one was upset.

"My young master is so troubled that he won't even drink water, young master dang-gu, please help me" she said pleading.

"Yuna too" she said after seeing my look. "But what can we do though?" Dang-gu said to her.

"It's better to just wait till Dang-gu's uncle resolves this" I said cutting in but she quickly dismissed my idea "no, but master heo said he would resolve this, please ask him to meet with Jin Mu immediately and put and end to this"

Dang-gu just sighed, giving into the maids request.

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