Chapter 8: uneasy feelings

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My dreams always started off nice and sweet, a happy family, a young girl maybe two years old? And a baby, but then the baby would be gone, stolen right out of her bed, and the family would be torn apart, leaving only the girl.

Then it would switch and she'd be there, naksu. She'd be standing there with a look on her face, she looked sad, then mad, then happy?

But I couldn't understand it, I wasn't seeing it through her eyes, I was seeing it through mine, and at the end of the dream there'd always be something whispered by her, something I could make out but not understand.

"Your alive"


"Young master park im here to wake you up" I said knocking on his door 4 times to let him know that I was coming in, just in case he was changing or something, so he'd have time to stop me from entering.

After hearing nothing and no reply I decided to go on it, slowly opening the door, I walked in, and went over to his bed.

As suspected he's asleep, How dose a man sleep so much? "Young master park" i said as kneeled beside him, shaking him gently.

"Park dang-gu get up" this time when I tried shaking him awake,only a bit more aggressive, did he wake up, only his reaction to being woken up wasn't the best as he immediately grabbed me by the arms threw me from one side of the bed to the other.

I landed on my back, hard might I add making me yell at him "YAH, just wait till I tell your uncle about this one Park Dang-gu!"

"Sorry Yuna! I didn't mean to, it was out of self defense, you'd do the same if someone was aggressively shaking you awake!" He said while going to help me up, not mentioning me telling his uncle anything.

"Whatever, I got news" I said catching his attention "what is it" he said interested into how I got information before him.

"They caught naksu's men" I said, he lifted an eyebrow "they caught and killed them all"

He seemed surprised, I guess he though they'd keep them alive so they could see if naksu really was still alive. "Why?" He said, I shrugged "I don't know, you'll have to ask your uncle"


"What are you doing? Get up and get ready! We're leaving for the Jang place soon" I said leaving, as I heard him laugh at my tone.

*at uk's place*

"Oh traditionally speaking, the swords with the energy of the best mages, are sealed away in the sword room of Jeongjingak" dang-gu said to uk as he was being curious as normal

"But with this, they're doing with tradition right?"

"So you said Jin Mu of cheonbugwan had naksu's sword?" Uk said to dang-gu "yeah, he said he's going to burn naksu's body there too" dang-gu replied.

"Hmm, so she will be there to witness the burning of her body then?" Uk said "who will? Naksu?" Dang-gu said confused.

"You still think she shifted her soul into someone else?" I said laughing at the ridiculous accusations uk's putting out.

"Are you hoping to find naksu so she can be your master?" Dang-gu said laughing to, this really was funny, how he thinks that naksu would open his gate of energy out of the kindness of his heart.

"No, sir" uk said before asking- more like telling dang-gu to pour him more tea. I'm the maid yet he asks my master to pour him tea, how ironic

"Tea? If you want more tea, pour it yourself....lazybones" dang-gu replied.

I reached over to pour him some tea but was stoped as dang-gu grabbed my hands holding them to his chest "she isn't pouring you any either"

"Let go" I said he just shook his head like a child still holding my hands, I just huffed. I guess uk's staring got to much for dang-gu as he let go of my hands picking up the tea cup "hey mudeok pour- where is your servant anyways?" Dang-gu asked as he poured uk's tea.

"Probably far away from here,look he might as well not need her when you do everything for him anyways dang-gu" I said laughing slightly at my joke.

"I have to find her" uk said ignoring my comment. Dang-gu didn't look amused though as he put down the kettle looking at me like I made a bad joke- which I did.

"But first I have to get that sword" uk said, not weird at all uk just wanting naksu's sword for who knows why.

"Sunshine, I don't do everything for him, he dose stuff himself" dang-gu said turning to me with a pout.

"No of course he dose stuff for himself!" I said to him, Dang-gu got a smug on his face before starting to turn around.

"He gets himself into trouble, that's about it" I said finishing my joke about how horrible uk is at staying out of trouble. Dang-gu's face fell, honestly the best joke I've made in a while- not really but.

****small time jump***

We're waiting for the burning of naksu's body, I was beside Dang-gu who was oddly silent for the minute. I was feeling sad, like a part to me was about to burn with her, but I knew that was ridiculous as I had never met naksu nor did I ever want too- not that I could now.

But nevertheless I didn't want to see her body being burnt, i know she's done bad things but was burning her body necessary when we're not even 100 percent sure she's dead?

Yul looked sad, I didn't know why, but I had a feeling he might have some sort of connection to her but I'm not going to pry, that's his life I have no right to interfere.

"You may begin"
"Yes my lord"

And just like that, the wood that was underneath Naksu's cold, dead body was set ablaze, leaving mere minutes before her body would start burning as well.

People didn't stick around to much longer after that, I guess they just wanted to make sure her body was being burnt for real, plus no one really enjoys the smell of burning flesh.

Well, maybe it satisfied Jin Mu, who was sitting up there in the chair like a king on his thrown, he seemed to enjoy watching her burn, like a kid when they finally get what they've been desperately wanting for a while.

Me and Dang-gu didn't stick around much longer either, having left shortly after yul did, I guess he didn't want to see it either.

"I wouldn't have made you tag along if I didn't have to come" Dang-gu said as we were making our way back to songrim.

"It's okay, I just feel uneasy about it, like what's the purpose of burning her body if there's a chance her soul is still out there?"

"I have no idea, no idea" he said as he put his arm over my shoulder to keep me close to him.

I wish for the night to stay like this.

But alas, like I said earlier, Jang Uk can never keep himself out of trouble.

Thank you all so much for the votes<333

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