Snow day 🌟

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‼️Angels touch rule does not apply in this oneshot‼️

(Another very short one)


The sun was beginning to rise, causing the snow to glisten in its light. It was officially winter. The Hayakawa household was completely asleep, unaware of the frost that was set outside for them.

Aki woke up peacefully with a body sprawled all over the bed. It was Angel. He hadn't any clue as to how he got there or why he was there. Angel was shivering a tremendous amount. Aki realized the boy was probably there for warmth and comfort in the middle of the night.

Aki pulled him closer, placing the other part of his blanket over Angel. He cuddled him for warmth. Angel was half awake and snuggled his face into Aki's chest. He brought his wings out from under the blanket and placed them around Aki, essentially hugging him twice. Neither of them wanted to get out of bed because not only were they both comfortable, but were both incredibly bedridden. Power and Denji were wide awake by now, planning on how they would drag the two of them out of bed-quite literally-until they saw the falling snow outside.

"Holy shit!" Power yelled out, grabbing Denji's arm and booking it to Aki's room. "The sky is peeing mashed potatoes!" She shouted to them. Aki slowly sat up. "What the fuck are you on, Power?" He groaned, and Angel sat up as well. "It's snowing!" Angel said, looking out the window next to Aki's bed. He flipped the blanket off, smacking Aki in the face with it. He ran out of the room, stumbling when his socks slid against the hardwood floors. We walked to where all of the jackets were and threw his on.

"Angel!" Aki called for him, rushing out of the bed. He entered the living room, watching as Angel sat on the floor, putting his shoes on. "Alright, come on guys. Get your shoes on." Aki said, reaching for his jacket and putting it on. Denji and Power jumped in excitement. They were so ecstatic to play in the snow.

Once everybody was ready, Aki opened the door for everyone. He dangled his keys in his hand as Power and Denji ran out of the apartment and down the hall. Angel walked out, stepping into the hallway waiting for Aki. His head perked up when he saw the snow outside and how much of it there was. He couldn't help but walk outside without Aki. He felt like a child again, and he needed it.

Aki thought it was adorable to see him trot outside innocently, his halo bobbing as he walked. He locked the apartment and caught up to everyone else outside. Aki reached down to the snow on the floor and cupped it in his hands. He threw it at Angel, hitting his lower back. "Hey!" Angel shouted, turning towards Aki. He ran away and kneeled on the ground. He began to build a fort--very slowly. Power and Denji were making a really dorky 'Aki snowman' further away. Aki walked over to Angel to help him. He noticed the boy wasn't wearing any gloves. "Angel." Aki said, grabbing his hands and covering them with his gloved hands. His fingers were pink and his hands were very shaky. "Please wear gloves. I don't want you to get sick." Aki explained, pulling an extra pair of smaller gloves from his pocket. He handed them to Angel and they both carried on with the fort.


Half an hour had passed of snowball fights (without death), snowaki's, forts, and snow angels. Angel's was very oddly shaped, his arms representing the wings, but his wings making it look odd. Aki thought it was funny. "I think I've had enough for today." Power said, slumping over the snow wall. "Me too." Angel agreed and they all went back inside for a nice cup of hot cocoa.

(A/N:) I'm on spring break now so expect more frequent updates !!

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