Your time is running out

922 14 38

‼️ Angel's touch rule does not apply in this oneshot ‼️

(not the same storyline)

-enemies to lovers
-descriptive mentions of gore
-major manga spoilers


Makima. Makima was the leader of the biggest devil-hunting corporation in Japan. She was very well known for her breathtaking looks. Looks can be deceiving. Angel was never fond of Makima, even while working for her.

Aki lay in his apartment, alone. He couldn't believe he just made a contact with the devil who started it all. The gun devil. The devil who wiped the earth and never showed itself again. The devil that killed Aki's family. He had become what he hated most. Makima had Aki wrapped around her finger and managed to manipulate Aki into contracting the devil. This made Aki Angel's new target.

Makima knew what she was doing.

They had never met or worked together, but once Makima stormed into Angel's office telling him the news of a new enemy, he knew something was wrong. He never trusted Makima.

From what the devilish woman had told him, Aki was a serious threat. Aki would team up with devils to raid the city during Angel's missions.

Speaking of missions, Angel was on his way to his next one. There was a rat devil in the alleyway. Might I add, this was quite an ugly devil. Angel flew down to the location of his target to see the rat collapse. A figure stood behind it. A tall man with straight, black hair, and a pistol sticking out of his forehead.

"Aki." The taller boy raised his head to meet eyes with the one who had just spoken. "I thought I'd take care of the job for you." Aki began to say. "So I could do something a little more exciting." With that, Aki raised his arm at Angel. There was a gun attached to it. He nearly shot at Angel's face but misses by a few inches on purpose. Angel knew there was no backing down. He grabbed his staff off of his back-which was placed perfectly between his wings-and raised it toward Aki. "Bring it." Angel challenged.

Aki shot at Angel, who used his staff to block the bullets. Angel had him back against a wall and brought his staff up to Aki, restraining him against the wall. "The hell is your problem and where did you come from?" Angel said, looking up at Aki while scolding him. "What's it to you?" Aki replied in a snarky tone. Angel kneed him in the stomach.

"Punk." Angel muttered under his breath before whacking Aki's head-who was on the floor-and flew away.

"This sure will be fun." Aki said rubbing the back of his head, watching the other boy fly away. He genuinely meant it.


As Aki returned home and time went by, he couldn't help but wonder when his next encounter with Angel would be. It bothered him so much. Angel this. Angel that. He had never thought of an enemy so often before.

He didn't sleep that night.

But neither did Angel.

Angel lay awake in his bed pondering. Wondering things like, "Who really is this boy?" and "who does he work for?". You name it. Angel was so utterly confused about this guy and what his motives were. Why was he bothering someone who didn't even care for his own life? He wouldn't care if he just randomly died someday. But he wasn't going to let someone else kill him. Especially not Aki.


Makima had the keys to Aki's apartment. Something about safety and work. Total bullshit. "Aki!" She chimed as she walked in. The boy was at his kitchen counter, making his breakfast. "Ms. Makima." He acknowledged. "I heard that Angel boy is supposed to be on a mission soon." She said, piquing Aki's interest. He put down his toast and butter knife, heading for the balcony. "Someone's eager." Makima spoke. Aki wanted her to shut up, but he couldn't say that. He ignored her and began to look across every street until he could find the boy. He wasn't too far away. he was quickly able to spot the boy's massive wings and glowing halo. He also appeared to be... bleeding?

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