Mall day 🌟

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‼️ Angel's touch rule doesn't apply in this oneshot ‼️

It has been a day since their first kiss. Neither of them had left their rooms or talked to Denji or Power.

They were so embarrassed, especially knowing that Denji and Power were watching, and even bet on it too.

"THIS IS BULLSHIT!!" Denji yelled from the living room, causing both Aki and Angel to leave their rooms. They instantly made eye contact, then started looking everywhere but at each other.

"Okay come on guys. You haven't spoken to each other or even left your rooms for days!" Denji said looking back and forth between the two other boys. Angel slowly walked back into his room. "NUH UH, YOU CANT DO THAT!" Denji said, running to his door and jamming on the handle.

"WE HAVE PANCAKES AND I WAS GONNA GIVE YOU SOME BUT WHATEVER!" Denji shouted through the door, obviously lying. Angel opened up his door and was immediately flung out by Denji. He grabbed Angel's arm and pulled him out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

"You seriously fell for that?" asked Power from her room. Angel's head fell to the floor (not literally) in embarrassment.

"I'll make you pancakes," Aki spoke softly, walking towards Angel. "OH MY GOD POWER THE LOVE BIRDS ARE BACK YOU'VE GOTTA SEE THIS!!" Denji yelled for her. She stuck her head down the hallway to see Denji's smirk, Aki-who was probably scolding Denji-Angel, and Aki's hand on Angel's back.

Power giggled, causing Aki to turn around. It was then that he realized what she was laughing at. Aki removed his hand from Angel and resisted the urge to put it back.

"Im sending you two to the mall." Denji told the boys as Power sat on the couch behind him. "Dude you can't just do that." Aki explained. Angel wanted to go really bad but if Aki didn't want to go, he wasn't gonna force him.

"I just did." Denji responded. "11 o'clock you two are going. That's..." He looked at the digital clock since he couldn't read the other. "Two hours from now?" He said unsure of himself. "That's right." Angel reassured.

"You still can't just make us go." Aki explained. He felt a tug on his sleeve. Aki looked down at the pleading boy looking up at him. Angel gave him a convincing look, and Aki gave in. Angel didn't use puppy eyes but was still able to persuade him.

"Okay fine. You have two hours, then we're going." Aki told him.


"Angel, c'mon!" Said Aki hiding his nervousness and grabbing his keys. He had a feeling things would be awkward since they hadn't said much of anything since the kiss. It didn't help that it was sort of date like either. With that, Angel hurriedly put his shoes on and dashed out the door as Aki held it open. Once they finally got into the car, Angel fixed his shoes and Aki put the key in. Angel had to adjust himself in the seat because of his wings.

Aki turned up the radio right before reaching for his seatbelt. It was still playing.

Come Inside of My Heart was still playing.

The two boys slowly looked at each other and immediately looked elsewhere. Angel darted his eyes toward his knees, and Aki quickly changed it. The drive to the mall was so uncomfortable for Angel. His nerves were going crazy, his wings kept bothering him, and Aki didn't even try to talk. He cleared his throat now and then, getting his hopes up.

It was then that Angel's wish came true. "So what should we do first?" Aki said nonchalantly, pulling into the parking lot. The shorter boy had never been so glad to hear Aki's voice.

"I'm not quite sure, Aki." Angel replied whilst looking out the window. "You never say my name at the end of your sentences anymore." Aki shifted toward Angel after he had finished parking. "What's wrong?" Angel sighed and looked back at Aki. "I'm sorry, I just feel weird." Aki gave him a puzzled look. "Like," Angel started to say, shifting his gaze away from the other boy. "I'm not experienced with this kinda stuff. Like I've been in love before but not like this. My stomach turns every time I see you do something goofy, or my heart stops when you're about to make contact with me, I just-" Angel cuts off his ramble and looks at Aki, who was already looking at Angel with a grin on his face. "What?" Angel queued. Aki didn't respond or even move. "What's with the face, you dork?" Aki chuckled to himself. "You said you're in love with me." Aki answered, keeping the same grin on his face. Angel backed away just a smidge. "WHAT? THAT'S WHAT YOU WERE PAYING ATTENTION TO? I MEAN- I DIDN'T MEAN IT I JUST-" Angel's ramble is cut off again. Aki reaches for his forearm. "I love you, too. Devil." Angel looked in Aki's direction yet again. "I'll wipe that shit-eating grin off of your face."

Aki got the hint and began to leave the car.


"We should ride the carousel!" Said Angel, holding Aki's hand and childishly pointing toward the ride. Aki didn't hesitate and walked towards the carousel. He purchased the tickets and walked onto the ride with his lover. "Which one do you want?" The taller boy asked Angel, who was already sitting on a lion. Aki rolled his eyes with a smile and sat on the zebra behind him. Angel fixed his position, sitting backward to face Aki. The two boys smiled at each other and the ride started.

"You look like a child sitting that way." Aki told Angel. Aki was holding onto the pole, hand over hand. His rings made a metal clinking noise when he would readjust his hands. His face was smushed into his hand, so he could see Angel better, and not just the pole. "Says the one looking at me like a lovesick idiot." Angel said light-heartedly. "Maybe I am a lovesick idiot." Aki hadn't realized what he said until he saw Angel's face flush a soft pink.


"Today was fun." Aki said, genuinely. "Mhm." said Angel quietly, eating the ice cream Aki had just bought for him. They came to a stop right by the car. "You've got something there." Aki told Angel, who looked up at him in response. "Here." Instead of grabbing a napkin like Angel was expecting-thinking the stain was on his cheek-Aki instead leaned in and kissed the ice cream off of Angel's lips.

(A/N:) first time using Grammarly to help me lmao

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