$30 🌟

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(This one's better I swear /srs)

‼️ Angel's touch rule doesnt apply in this oneshot ‼️

"Okay dude we need a plan." Said Denji quietly. It was currently 2am, and Power and Denji were trying to figure out a way for the other two boys to kiss. They did bet on it, after all.

"We shove them into eachother so they're forced to do it!" Power whisper yelled. "No!" Denji replies, also in a whisper yell. "We need to have them do it on their own. Who the hell would get the money anyway?"

"True. But thats no fun!" Power whined. "You cant mess with the subjects! Its like science or something."

"No im pretty sure its called english." Power replied confidently. "I am the president afterall, so I should get to pick."


"Hey, Angel?" Asked the horned girl. "Yeah?" He replied. It was about 8am, and they were the only two awake. "Ya busy today?"

"Not that im aware of." Angel responded. He didnt like where this was going. "Welp, you are now!" Power said enthusiastically, grabbing for his hand and rushing into the bathroom.

"What the hell?" Angel asked, beyond confused. He lifted himself up to sit on the counter. Power sat in the bathtub. "You're going on a date!" Angel's jaw almost dropped all the way to hell. "With Aki!?" He whisper yelled. Power happily nodded.

A muffled "Oh god." escaped Angel's lips as he covered his flushed face.


"Heyyyy Akiii" Denji says the moment Aki opens his eyes. "Were you watching me sleep?" He asked the suspicious boy. "Uhhh, thats not important." Denji responded and grabbed Aki's arm. He ran through the kitchen and past the bathroom where Angel and Power were talking. He threw Aki into his room and shut the door. Denji sat on Power's bed and Aki on Denji's.

"You're not doing anything today, are you?" Denji asked the half asleep boy. "I am not taking you to fucking McDonald's, Denji." He almost laughed at that. "No, oh my god, you're going on a date with Angel."

Aki sat there, silently, but as red as velvet. "You alive?" Denji asked. Aki slowly nodded. "Wait does that mean he said yes?" Aki asked nervously. "He likes me?!" Denji threw his hands over Aki's mouth. "Shhh! They'll hear you!"

"He didnt really have a choice." Denji responded. "You guys threatened him?" Denji face palmed. "No, just nevermind."

Every thought that Aki could possibly think of, he was thinking. So he doesnt like me? What if he's doing it because he feels bad? What if he hates me?

Angel did like him. He loved him. Aki had nothing to worry about, but couldnt help but worry anyway.


It was about 4pm when they started to get ready. Power helped Angel, and Denji helped Aki. Angel was dressed in an oversized, light blue sweater, and leather pants. Power gave him some rings and a brand new pair of sneakers. They totally spent Aki's money on all of it, but its okay because it was for a good cause.

Aki wore a navy blue sweater, with a collared shirt underneath, and the sleeves rolled up. Denji paired it with black ripped jeans, and tennis shoes. Aki was very unsure about the pants. "Trust me, he'll think you're hot." A laugh escaped from Denji. Aki rolled his eyes, secretly hoping he was right.

Denji rushed Aki out of his place before Angel could see. They made it to Akis car in time. "To the beach!" Denji said, pointing assertively. Aki backed out of his spot and headed toward the beach.


"Okay, Aki just left." Said Power, finishing Angel's hair. "Make momma proud." She said, wiping away fake tears. "Okay so, you're never gonna say that again." Angel told her, turning the handle and leaving the bathroom. Angel and Aki had hid from eachother the entire day.

Angel walked toward the beach, using his wings when he got closer. Denji and Power had climbed on top of the closest building they could find. "Kiss him, kiss him, kiss him!" Power kept chanting, wanting to win the bet.

"Shhh! They're talking!" Denji whisper yelled at her.

"Speak of the devil." Aki teased with a grin on his face. "Oh, be quiet." Angel spoke, rolling his eyes and smiling. He took a quick look at Aki. Angel would be lying if he said he hated his outfit. His face had gone quite red, and he began to look at the sand.

Aki carefully grabbed his hand and began rubbing it with his thumb. "Its okay, dont be nervous." Aki reassured him. "I wasnt embarrassed." Angel muttered. A small 'hm?' could be heard from Aki. Angel slowly lifted his head and looked Aki in the eyes, trying to fluster him. He held Aki's other hand and stood on his tippy toes, getting closer to his face. "Im not nervous." Angel said quietly, with a smile. He let go and faced away from him. "Now come on."

Aki stood there for a second, practically malfunctioning. He slapped a hand over his mouth to cover his face, and caught up with Angel.

"Yes!" Power whisper yelled, while doing a hand motion. Denji rolled his eyes, regretting chosing the guy with the least amount of rizz to bet on.

Angel took a deep breath, still trying to process what he just did and almost laughing at the face Aki made. Adorable.

The sun started to set, and it got darker the longer they walked around. nothing was ever completely dark with Angel's halo. Aki wasnt sure if he was imagining things, but anytime he got closer to Angel, his halo would glow brighter.

He wanted to test his theory.

Aki paused for a moment and faced toward the glowing boy. The way the light from his halo fell onto his face made his name very fitting. And not just because he had a halo or wings. Even without them, Aki would think the same thing. He brought his hand closer to Angel's face, and brushed his hair out of the way.

"Come with me." Aki said after seeing Angel's halo go brighter. So I was correct. He internally squealed at that. The two of them held pinkies as they walked to the car. It was parked right under the stars. Aki opened up the sun roof for them to look at the sky.

Aki plugged his phone into the AUX and began playing their playlist. It was really just a ton of love songs he knew Angel liked. Angel climbed out through the roof and sat on top of the car carefully. Aki turned the stereo up so Angel could hear it.

Come Inside Of My Heart by IV of Spades. His favorite song.

Aki joined Angel on the top of the car. "You're a big goof." Aki let out a small laugh "You've told me already." They looked at the stars for majority of the song. Or more like, Angel looked at the stars. Aki was looking elsewhere. Angel's face. Then his lips. And then his hands. Angel realized Aki was looking at him, and waited for him to look back up at his face.

"Holy shit its happening!" Denji said, aggressively tapping on the exhausted Power to his side.

The last part of the song was playing. The instrumental. Both of the boys kept looking at each other's eyes, then back at their lips. When someone finally initiated it.

Angel grabbed Aki by his shirt and pulled him in. Angel's wings spread backward, and his halo became brighter. Aki placed one hand on Angel's lower thigh, and the other on his cheek. They pulled away slowly, and were about to go back in.

"HAHAHA FUCK YEAH! YOU OWE ME $30 BITCH!" screamed Power from the top of the building.

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