Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sound of something or someone falling to the ground. It scared the living shit out of me when I heard the loud noise. Before I could say something, I heard someone groaning on the floor.

 "Oh shit, where am I?" His husky voices echoed in my room and now I was fully awaken.

"Um hi, you're in my room because last night you got the wrong dorm while you're wasted. Then you passed out on me and I had no choice but to bring you here." I was pretty chill this morning given the fact that he spent the night here and woke me up. He must be really lucky lad.

 "Um, oh, thank you. I have to go now." He rushed through my room and got out. I laughed really hard at his reaction but then again, he didn't say he was sorry again.

It was Saturday morning and I didn't have anything to do. I went to the library to get back some old books and then take some new ones. I went to the coffee shop and bought a Skinny Peppermint Mocha because I decided I should try something new.

 I sat outside with my coffee and books. I started reading Shakespeare's sonnets and just like that I forgot everything that happened in the past 24 hours. It was weird that just a few days ago, I was in my room daydreaming about the same guy who I now thought that was annoying as hell. So in order to not complicate my life any further, I made up my mind. I will avoid Jack as much as possible, and try to stay as far as possible too. That should do it.

Later in the afternoon, I invited Liza at my dorm to watch a movie because I was getting kind of lonely. I was making some popcorn in the kitchen and when I was ready I ran to my room just to be sure I won't run into anyone. She was late but then again when wasn't she? So I didn't worry about her at all. I was in my Twitter when someone walked casually in my room without knocking. I knew it was Liza without even looking away from my screen.

"Elizabeth James, don't you have manners? You have to knock before you come in! What if I was doing something that you're not supposed to see?" I said overdramatically, wiping a fake tear because she "invaded my privacy".

"Like what for example? Eating Nutella naked? You're not exactly the naughty type, sorry, Natalie." She laughed and made herself comfy in my bed.

"Hey, what was that supposed to mean? " I yelled and hit her with my pillow. She threw her hands in the air and kept screaming because I wasn't stopping. 

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Are you quite done with the torturing now? I have something to tell you." She hid her face in my blanket. 

"Yeah okay, tell me." It was getting suspicious, her blushing and hiding under my blanket, could it be...? No, this is Liza.

"Not to sound like a girly girl or anything but I met this guy in your hallway. We're going to drink coffee tomorrow." I was in such of state of shock that I couldn't answer. She must really like him, I said to myself.

"Oh, that's great Liza, how old is he?" While looking back at my laptop, trying to pick a movie to watch.

"I'm not sure but he must be around our age. He has those green eyes, I almost felt paralysed when he asked me for a coffee tomorrow! Can you believe it? Me blushing when a guys asks me out? I'm in deep shit, I can feel it in my stomach. " She was speaking really fast and it looked like she was mostly saying this to herself than to me.

"I'm happy for you, as long as you don't become a bitch who only talks about her boyfriend while painting her nails." We both laughed and I played the movie.

"Easy A" was my favourite movie but it turned out that Liza loved it too. We sang together Pocket full of sunshine and it's safe to say that we are the same freaks at so many levels .

After the movie was over we decided to go to the Chinese restaurant that was near campus. I was so hungry that there weren't even words to describe it. Liza was going on and on about this mysterious guy she met and I spaced out. It's not that I'm not happy for her but I just wasn't so interested in the story that I heard 100 times by now.

"I would like some noodles with pork meat and 5 chicken rolls, please" I was drinking my coke and waited for Liza to order already.

"Yeah, I will have the same plus a fortune cookie!" She said excitedly and looked over to me. "No, I don't want one! Don't give me that look!" I gave her a stern look, I didn't want my future to depend on what a fortune cookie was saying.

"Okay then party pooper, have it your way." She pouted at me and we continued our conversation.

Two hours later, I was alone in my dorm, with a cup of tea and my blog. While I was reblogging some stuff, I was also chatting with Ty in the meantime. We were talking about his new car, my day with Liza and last night events with Jack, nothing too serious, just random stuff. I felt myself getting all sleepy and before I could say good night to Ty, I drifted out.

For next few day, I didn't do anything interesting, just going to class, then back in my dorm and sleep. I was getting seriously bored from this routine and since Liza wasn't picking up her phone or answering my texts probably because she was busy with her mysterious green eyed guy, I went to the coffee shop alone.

I had my hair put in a messy bun and I was dressed like I just walked out of the gym, with my yoga pants and white tank top. I walked into the coffee and saw that the annoying Carly girl was on shift talking to a guy on the counter. When I got there and stood next to the guy, he seems a little uncomfortable with the conversation probably because Carly was literally throwing herself at him. "Poor guy" I mumbled.

"What did you say?" Ops Carly might had heard me, but I couldn't care less.

"Oh nothing don't worry, I was just deciding what to order." I said with a sweet smile, probably she caught on with my sarcasm. And what happened next, was the most unexpected thing today.

"Oh hey babe, glad you made it! What would you like to drink?" The lad was speaking to me, he gave me a pleading look for just a second and I got what he was trying to pull.

"Of course I would come, babe, I had a super busy day in Uni but I couldn't wait to see you. I would like a Vanilla Latte, please." I looked him in the eyes with a smile so he knew it was okay and I understood why he was doing this. Carly was standing there with wide eyes like she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Just a Espresso Macchiato for me please."

"You can sit wherever you want and I will come with your orders shortly." Carly had a rather annoyed tone and was glaring me.

We started walking away from the counter and the guy turned to me. 

"Um you don't have to sit with me, I will be okay really. I don't know how to thank you about that." He smiled nervously, obviously he was a nice guy and wasn't used to situations like that one. 

"Oh no, it's fine really, after all you paid for my coffee, that should be enough." I smiled brightly at him, letting him know that everything was fine. We sat outside because it was really sunny and I wanted to enjoy it.

"I'm Alfie, by the way. And thanks again for going on with my little scene back there." He laughed probably remembering the look on Carly's face. 

"I'm Natalie, but you can call me Nat. I'm glad I could save you, she can be rather insisting sometimes."

"She was literally throwing herself at me and I don't like when girls do this." He was smiling and took a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah, I guess I see what you mean! It's the same with girls too." And we talked about everything and nothing, more than I ever imagined that would be.

Two hours and 1 one more coffee later, we exchanged our numbers and promised than we will keep in touch. I got back to my dorm and sighted dreamily. Alfie was very nice and we had so much in common . I hadn't spoke like that with anyone besides Ty and Liza.

I guess I wouldreally like to keep in touch with him. 

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