Chapter 2

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        When I woke up, it was already ten o'clock. I took in the room I was in. It wasn't my old room, I wasn't my old bed. It took me a second to realise I was in my new dorm. Yeah I'm defiantly not a morning person. Being all grumpy, like every other morning I tripped on my shoes while getting into my bathroom.

         "Ouch!" I mumbled quite loudly. I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a messy bun. I went to my fringe to my little fridge when I realised that I had nothing to eat or drink, not even coffee.

        "Well that freaking peachy!" I yelled to myself. Yep, not a morning person. I put my grey yoga pants, a white tank top and my sneakers on. I didn't even look myself in the mirror before leaving because who cares, it was a Sunday morning, it wasn't not like I was going to meet the President in the grocery store. I took my phone, keys and money and left my dorm.

        I saw a few people in the kitchen on our floor making breakfast. I immediately felt the smell of pancakes and my stomach started to made a loud weird noise. Maybe I should buy some pancake mix too, I made a mental note. Halfway out of the building I realised that I didn't even know where I could find the nearest grocery shop.

        "It's get even better with every minute this morning!" I mumbled sarcastically. I saw a girl who was sitting on a bench in the garden in front of the dorm building. I quickly decided she looks nice enough and less lost than me, so I walked towards her.

        "Um, hi, I'm new here. I'm starving and I didn't even have my morning coffee yet." I laughed, "so can please tell me where is the nearest grocery and coffee shop?" She looked at me and laughed too.

        "Yeah, it's couple of blocks always, it takes 5 minutes. The grocery there is fine but the best coffee shop is here in campus !" She smiled and then said "If you want to we can drink coffee together, I haven't had mine yet either."

        "Oh really, you manage to be nice before your first coffee, you deserve a Nobel prize seriously!" She laughed wholeheartedly at my stupid joke.

        "Yeah well, what can I say, I'm a nice person overall!" She said with a smile that showed her dimples. "So are you up for that coffee? Maybe with a muffin too, I love their muffins." It's like she knows what I'm craving already.

"Yeah that would be great, let's go! My name is Natalie, by the way." I say and extended my hand. She gladly took it and shook it.

         "I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me just Liza or Beth." She said cheery, but not in a pitched voice.

        See, I'm not into girly stuff, this is why I hang out mostly with Tyler and his friends. I don't like slumber parties where we gossip about guys and paint our nails. Maybe this is why I never really got along with girl in my class or any girl for that matter. Some of Ty's girlfriends were nice at the beginning, but by the end they always did something stupid. And then I wanted to kick their bitchy asses for hurting my best friend. So yeah, honestly Liza, who suggested I should call her that was the only girl that didn't piss me off just by opening her mouth.

        "So what are studying in Bristol University, Natalie ?" She looked genially interested and not just making a small talk. 

        "Um English, but I'm starting on Monday, so I don't really know what we will be doing yet. Are you first year too ?" I asked while scanning the menu. So many choices, so little time. Finally I decided, I would go with a latte.

        "Yeah, I'm studying history of arts. It's quite inspiring, I must say. I started this week and I had project to do this weekend already! Unbelievable." We both laughed and then ordered our coffees with muffins. We picked a nice table by the window.

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