Chapter 1: Collide

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Now before we get into it. You guys couldn't get enough of Rogue (well a handful of you) and I really didn't want to make a sequel cause I was traumatised just by writing it.


If you notice the name of the protagonist you'll realise it's a tribute to Rogue. While I didn't get you guys a sequel, I got you something that's very closely connected to it.

Anyways enough of me,


Narrator's pov

Loud music blasted on the other side of the little storage room. Even with locked doors, music still  managed to travel in. Chatters, laughter and cheers being mixed with it.

Would it be hard to concentrate in a little room cramped with boxes with loud music blasting on the other side?


Yes it definitely would.

Well at least in Siya's case. The 18 year old still in her high school uniform struggled to focus as her hand paused from all that writing.

Her beautiful chestnut hair swayed as she leaned forward to pick another piece of paper. Her hair wasn't short, nor was it very long. It was an appropriate size that complemented her well. Ending just midway that danced upon each move.

Her beautiful doe like brown orbs wandered all around the floor to look at the mess she had created with all her biology papers.

Plump pink glossy lips parted as a sigh escaped her mouth. Her well structured brows furrowed and cute little nose scrunched out of annoyance.

She was a walking doll. A naturally breathtaking beauty. Unaware of her own worth.

"Where is it?" She spoke out of frustration as she pushed back her glasses. Bringing the circular thin metal frame back to sit properly on her face.

Just when she leaned to reach for another paper, the room's door opened. The opening of the weak wooden creaking door gave full access to the blasting music. Siya could now hear each and every conversation clearly. Making out each and every word while being disgusted by them. It was yet again those gross men talking to the hostesses and pole dancers.

Her eyes remained on the door until finally seeing the woman she had been anticipating for.

The woman walked in bare. Only a small white g-string and bra that was barely half the size of her breasts clinging onto her body. The sheer fabric flowed from her shoulders as she brought the belts to wrap the sheer robe as a cover. 

"How's it going? Did anyone come in?" The gorgeous lady asked. Her jet black hair and breathtaking beauty added so much to her character. Especially that graceful walk of hers.

Siya shook her head.

"And how's the preparation for biology coming along? You have a test in 2 days don't you?"

Siya only looked at the woman who was semi panicking yet she only found peace in that sweet voice of hers.

"Unnie, when will your shift end?"

(Unnie = older sister)

"Umm, it should end now it's just...."

Siya paid full attention to her sister who sighed and headed inside. Pushing the door shut behind. She leaned on a table and looked at her.

"It's just that two big clients walked in right now. If I stay back for another hour. I will make double the amount I managed to make in the last 6 hours".

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