Chapter 5: Closer

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I'm sorry but y'all are seriously sleeping on Christian Yu. Like the man is fine! Like fine fine. He goes by other names as well, DPR or Ian. But like damn. Of course no one can replace Jungkook from my heart but this man is also the most sweetest being. He's so socially awkward that it's funny but cute. So let's give him a chance at this ok.

To all the people who do know how Christian Yu is in reality, you'll find it difficult to read this because he will be the exact opposite.

Also there was an error in the previous chapter which I have already corrected. Many of you have seen Jackson written, there is no Jackson Wang in this ff, it's Ian. 


My eyes travelled all over her face and body. She was as beautiful as always. Her eyes were as usual closed and body still. Hands side by side. A tear trickled down my cheek which I didn't know had developed.

Slowly taking her hand in mine I brought it up and kissed it as a tear helplessly trickled down my cheek.

"I missed you.....mum".

End of recap

Narrator's pov

The poor girl cried, holding onto her mother's hand. Tears trickling down her cheeks without a break as she planted her forehead against their hands.

"I really, really miss you". She cried with her sweet voice escaping her lips as she inhaled sharply.

"Please wake up please it's been 4 years already please wake up". Her lips quivered as more tears rolled down her cheeks.


Yet again like all those years not a single tear or voice could wake the beautiful lady up.

She was like a flower, beautiful but wilting....slowly. Her gorgeous porcelain complexion became dull with skin turning dry.

She had lost weight yet again from the last time Siya saw her.

It had only been a week and the lady seemed different. Her cheeks hollowing more and under eyes sunkening.

Placing her hand down gently, Siya caressed the top of it before taking something out of her reasonably sized non branded purse. She took a hair brush out and brought it closer to her mother's head. Gently, she brushed her hair. The black hair that had strands of whites here and there.

She brushed them gently before setting her hair neatly on each sides as the woman remained in a deep slumber.

The entire day, Siya spent time with her mother. Talking to her, cleaning her up, massaging her cold feet before putting socks on them.

She spent the entire day at the hospital, exiting and coming back when the nurses were done with their routine check ups.

She read yet another book to her beloved, keeping her entertained until a knock on the door grabbed her attention.

"Good afternoon Miss Kim. How are you?"
A young doctor kindly asked.

"I'm fine thank you and yourself sir?" Placing the book down, she paid full attention to the doctor who stood in his white coat.

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