Chapter 4: All Eyes On You

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The Jungkook who 5 minutes ago seemed like a raging bull turned into a bunny in no time.

"No one will hurt you. I'm here".
He reassured over and over and over again.

He pulled her closer, letting cry her heart out. Making sure not to leave her again.

End of recap

Jungkook's pov

My precious girl slept on my chest soundly with long dried tears staining her flushed cheeks.

She cried and cried and cried till there were no tears left to escape. Eventually I helped her sit on the floor where she dozed off in my embrace. Her tiny little hand clutching onto my shirt desperately while the other clasped the openings of my leather jacket on her body. Holding onto her dignity tightly.

The image of her half naked body in the lap of another man ran through my head continuously. Her tears and pleas piercing my heart with instant urge to get back up and kill those motherfuckers.

Those fucking pedophiles dared to touch a high schooler.

Not to mention, my own people.

I fucked up! I should have broken that man's limbs while at it.

But the real question is, who brought Siya in. Despite seeing her in school uniform, someone crooked in the head had the audacity to bring her inside such a disgusting low graded place.

Slipping my phone out, I dialled a number.

"Send me every CCTV footage from the past hour."

My thumb pressed against the cold screen, before placing the black brick like device down to my side.

My eyes shifted down to her face. Seeing her fast asleep with brows furrowed as if experiencing it all over again.

More tears trickled down the sides of her eyes with me being the sole witness.

Must be having a nightmare.

Caressing my thumb against her temple, I wiped them away. Staring at her. Watching her sleep like some low life creep.

Fuck I should really get a grip. From all my experience with women, she's the first who's stirred these weird feelings. Feelings I didn't know existed.

I feel the need to always protect her, to safeguard her with all my life. I can't let her out of my sight for a second without having my heart drop.

She's so innocent that I want to keep her hidden from this monstrous world. I want to keep her behind doors. Away from every man. Even if it means depriving her off freedom just to keep her safe-

What the fuck!

What am I even thinking about? Shit I must have been dropped on my head to be this messed up.

Why am I thinking of taking away her freedom just to keep her with me. I admit I do have a tendency to be possessive but not to this extent.

Various thoughts crossed my head, disturbing me but more importantly making me restless at how fucked up those previous thoughts of mine really were.

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