Chapter 3: Oh Crazy Feelings

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He brought the cig up to his lips and took a puff before letting it out in thin air as he watched the beautiful sky. Nothing but the thoughts of Siya racing his head.

"Kim Siya..." a smile crawled up his lips as he took the cigarette back in his mouth.

End of recap

Siya's pov

And done.

Phew that was easier than expected.

I looked at my exam paper to see it all completed. Each and every question answered. Starting from the top, I proof read it to make sure there were no errors.

Shutting the paper and neatly setting it aside once I was done, I looked up to see everyone else's heads still down, focusing hard on their sheets.

Am I the only one done?

Since I was done, the teacher let me leave early. I grabbed my bag and left the room, making my way out the school gates.

Gosh it's literally 2 what am I supposed to do for the next 2 hours?

I usually walk slow when class finishes at 3:15. That way I kill time and reach the club at 4.

But today....

My hands went up to the sides of my backpack's straps. Feeing the pressure pulling me down. The tension on my neck only increasing.

Today I brought so many books for last minute revision. Even when I've been studying like a mad woman day and night.

Would have been nicer if I could drop my bag at home then go to club. I can't imagine my state walking with this heavy bag in this burning heat.

I hadn't realised when I turned and took the street leading towards the club when I ended up colliding with something hard. Rather into someone.

My glasses sat crooked by the impact of that bump as I quickly adjusted them. Although my prescription is extremely small with just a minus zero point 2 something I still prefer to wear them. I can see just fine without them off, my distance is perfectly clear but I still prefer to keep them on. Maybe because I'm trying to hide behind these glasses. I'm a little insecure about my looks so I tend to never take them off.

Fixing it in place, I looked up to see a familiar face.

I backed away a little, giving us some space as I observed him unknowingly. My gaze examined him from head to toe seeing him in another set of gym clothes. A grey t-shirt paired with grey sweatpants and different coloured air Jordan's this time. His same gym crossbody bag on his shoulder.

"What are you doing here?"
He asked surprised.

"I just finished my exam, I was heading towards the club". I answered.

A smile crawled up his lips.

"How was it?" He asked.

"It was easier than expected but...what are you doing around here?" I questioned.

He turned his head towards the direction he came from and gestured.

My Dear Darling || JJK ONHOLDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें