Almost Normalcy

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Walking back on the Foxfire campus felt strange to Sophie.

And her unease hadn't settled from yesterday.

It still remained, lingering to come back to bite if provided with a perfect opportunity it couldn't pass up to seize.

It didn't help that Keefe was now off the radar obviously, because he was in danger and could be held captive from the Neverseen anywhere in the world.

Which made her heart and her eyes sting.

But her recovery from the numbness was still happening, and it seemed to slow every time she thought something along the lines of that.

A significant portion of her emotions had been returned, yes, but not enough.

The numbness was still eating away at her, day and night, as if she were some sort of animal carcass that decay had taken charge of.

But she wouldn't let it.
She couldn't let it.

Retreating from hopelessness was her only solution, and now she was given a chance to break free of her emotionless binds.

She could form a plan.

She could find Keefe.

Even if it meant doing it solo.

If no one was willing to help her then shame on them.

But she wasn't going to let that set her back.

"You seem more confident."
Sandor loomed over her.

She blinked, the goblin directly in front of her focusing into view.
"Yeah. We are closer to finding Keefe. Why?"
She was hoping she wasn't arousing suspicion, especially from a seven foot goblin, who, for all she knew, could smell suspicion.

He sighed and grumbled something about 'that boy.'

"You have some ideas don't you?"
He asked her, raising an eyebrow curiously with a hint of suspicion in his expression.

Sophie swallowed, considering the question.
"Im thinking of some things...why?"

"Because while you were lost in thought, you almost ran into a pillar."
He stepped to the side to reveal a colossal pillar .

She had indeed almost walked straight into the pillar.

"Oops. Sorry."
She remarked blandly and completely unapologetically.

Sandor sighed, and stared at her intensely as if she were some complicated puzzle with a thousand pieces that he was struggling to piece together.

She willed her composure to stay normal and meet his eyes, without squirming uncomfortably. She attempted to force her face expressionless.

They seemed to have an ultimate staring contest before Sandor finally broke.
"Miss. Foster. Cut whatever scheme you have made in your head out now."

It was almost as if he had reached into her head and plucked out the information.

But she couldn't let that show.

So Sophie waited a beat, letting it pass in thick silence, widening her eyes at the accusation.

She resisted the urge to pull at an eyelash as she told him,
"What scheme?"

She asked, mustering up all of the innocence and surprise at being accused that she possibly could.

For added effect, she took a step back during her words and put her hands up defensively.

"I know you're thinking of something extremely dangerous right now to plan behind all of our backs."

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