"Is this seat taken?" 

A gentle voice broke him out of his thoughts as he took his headphones off only to gasp at the said individual. 


"Hey Nick" 

Nick was in shock helping Ahk put his bag away and strap in. 

"How?" Nick said, turning to the one who he had said his goodbyes to a week ago. 

"I don't know, I woke up in a bed with no clue to why I was alive. Kah appeared in the room, he said he had been waiting for me to wake up. Turns out, the gods answered our heartfelt prayers and others. We woke up in McPhee's house. He in a sense 'adopted me' as I woke with identification beside me and my made up life. Dr McPhee according to paperwork took me in when I was seven. Kah was quick to catch me up, turns out he is my biological father on paperwork. The past week I have been learning about modern day culture and…I really wanted to see you so two days ago, McPhee got in touch with Larry and…" Ahk cut himself off as the plane started moving. He went white. Nick could only sigh, wrapping an arm around his friend. 

Ahk leaned into him when the plane took off, he held tightly to Nick's hand. The older man didn't mind. 

"So, how old are you?" Nick asked.

"19" Ahk answered once the plane levelled out. 

"No offence but why did you get on this plane?" 

Nick was interrupted by lips pressing against his own. Nick couldn't help but pull Ahk close, the two fought each other until the plane moved, making Ahk pull away with fear in his features. 

"I think I got my answer," Nick answered, wrapping an arm around Ahk. 

"So, do you have an actual name?" Nick whispered when a flight attendant came over offering them food. Nick shook his head at her. 

"Ahkmen or Ahk will do. On my identification it says, Rami McPhee" Ahk answered. Passing over his passport. 

"Dare I ask how old Kahmunrah is?" Nick teased. 

"35. He had me when he was 16 on paper anyway" Ahk answered, leaning into Nick who only smiled

"So, does this mean we can be together now?" Ahk questioned lifting his head only to muffle a yawn with his hand. 

Nick could only nod, "Would you like to be my boyfriend, Ahk?". He received a sleepy nod, "yes, it's exhausting being human again" Ahk whispered as Nick directed them towards the double bed. There the two lay on the way to Zante, Nick couldn't help but text his father a quick thank you message as he closed the curtain blocking out the light as he wrapped Ahk up in his arms. The man he had always wanted to hold was finally in his arms and in his soon to be future. 

For once, Nick couldn't wait to land and get to the hotel not because he hadn't seen his mother in months but because he wanted to share his world with his new boyfriend. Since, sleep wasn't coming to him. Nick was quick to text his old ex-boyfriend with the news that he had pursued his crush and thanked him for his advice. He knew he wouldn't get a reply until later on due to the time difference. For once, he was excited to see Don and his mother but for now he would just hold the sleeping nineteen year old in his arms close. It would seem life liked him for a change. 

A day later…

Nick couldn't believe it, he was here in Zante sitting at a table with his boyfriend beside him watching him interact with his mother and step dad. Dan and Erica got on perfectly well with Ahk who could only smile. To others he was known as Rami but to Nick he was known as Ahk. 

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