Chapter 53

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Roughly 300 Years Ago

Calixte had a whole week after the last lesson to weigh heavily on his mind. He did not know why; it was just two lines of an unfinished poem, but somehow, the queen's silent response to his lacklustre feedback consumed his thoughts. Perhaps he should have said more? Showing anyone something you have created and putting your heart into requires vulnerability and trust; Calixte himself had felt this anytime he shared his failed composed songs with his family. Queen Violette must have been disappointed that he had barely said anything after working up all that nerve.

There was also the fact that it was on a subject that was perhaps considered personal, falling in love. Just thinking about it caused a twinge of envy inside Calixte's stomach. He so desperately wanted to know that feeling, and hearing the queen's poem made it all worse, that he might be perhaps the only person ever to experience it and that something was wrong with him.

These thoughts lingered until the next lesson. As he waited for Queen Violette to arrive, Calixte sat absently on the piano chair and, on a whim, played 'Love is Always Eternal When With You', one of the pieces that the queen performed for her Grade One exam. The piece was about the first feelings of love, but the notes sounded hollow and empty when he played it. He wondered if the queen could now play it after she could write that poem.

Then, Calixte's thoughts turned to King Osmond, wondering how Queen Violette could love him due to his hatred for anything of the arts, though perhaps Calixte was biased. It seemed they were similar in their dislike for parties and socialising; maybe that was it. But then again, Calixte did not understand love himself, and his one meeting with King Osmond could not paint his whole character; he felt ashamed for even judging him like that; he had never done that before. Calixte assumed King Osmond must be lovely, perhaps a bit frosty towards strangers.

Regardless of whoever the poem was written for, Calixte was just happy that Queen Violette was happy in the blossoming of love. He remembered when he had first met her and how stern and almost cold her demeanour was, then it softened and brightened lesson by lesson. Soon, he could see past the crown, the titles, and that mask and saw a person that just needed something fun and light-hearted in her life from the weight and responsibilities of a crown. Calixte was proud to have introduced music into Violette's life. Just hearing her laugh and determination and passion lifted Calixte's spirits; every week, he would wait expectantly for their lesson.

As his mind soon drifted back into reality and out of his consuming thoughts, Calixte realised that the song sounded different now. He had been playing 'Love is Always Eternal When With You' absently as he had been contemplating. At such a low level of a piece in its simplicity, Calixte could easily play it with barely a thought, and yet now he found himself missing notes; timings slightly off; playing either too quietly, too timidly or too loudly. He fumbled and hesitated on each note, but the sounds created were not ear-splitting or terrible but sweet and sincere. All of Calixte's thoughts and feelings from before poured into the song, a melancholy melody, both joyful and giddy, whilst there was an underlying sense of pain, doubt, and fear.

Once he finished the song, Calixte let the last note linger and fade, hoping it would last for eternity.

"That was beautiful, Barbeau," said a voice.

Calixte jolted and turned to see Queen Violette standing by the entrance to the ballroom.

"Your Majesty!" Calixte stumbled to his feet, catching the piano seat before knocking it over.

"You managed to play the song finally," said Queen Violette. She approached and stood on the other side of the grand piano.

"Yes," Calixte mumbled, staring at the piano, his gloved hands hesitating above the keys. "I suppose I did." He frowned, wondering how. What had changed?

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