Ch-16 First Fight

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Time Skip

Y/n: L-lawliet?

Lawliet: yes (smiles)

Y/n: (*fidgeting*) I-I wanted to tell you something

Lawliet: Yeah?

Y/n: The thing is th-that u-u-umm.

Lawliet: (*holds her hand*) What is it? You can tell me

Y/n: promise me that you will not shout at me...

Lawliet: fine...

Y/n: (*talks really fast*) I-It was all planned

Lawliet: What was planned...?

Y/n: Ugh! Lawliet you are making it so difficult

Lawliet: Just tell me

Y/n: (*talks really fast*) That kidnapping thing was all planned Im sorry

Lawliet: (sighs) Why did you do it?!

Y/n: I'm sorry...

Lawliet: Do you know how important that case was!


Lawliet: How can you take such a drastic step on the basis of a freaking assumption!!

Y/n: Lawliet I said that I'm sorry!

Lawliet: Y/n, your sorry cannot stop Kira from killing so many criminals why the hell did you do it!?

Y/n: There was a reason behind it!!

Lawliet: What!!?


Lawliet: (*flinches*)

Y/n: We would have been dead if I didn't do it!!

Lawliet: Huh?

Y/n: I couldn't have just let you die!! I FRICKING LOVE YOU!!

Lawliet: I-Im sorry


Lawliet: A-again?

Y/n: Wanna know what all did I go through before coming to the orphanage?

Lawliet: H-huh?

Y/n: At the age of 1 I was sold to a psychopath by my parents.

Lawliet: What!

Y/n: That psychopath tortured me and many more children till I was 4, I was the only survivor.......all of them died. I SAW THEM DIE WITH MY OWN EYES!!

Lawliet: W-what happened to the psychopath?

Y/n: He was sentenced to death, after some time a police officer adopted me, he already had a son he was 8 years older than me and our bond was unbreakable.........until one day he went missing.

Lawliet: W-what happened to her?

Y/n: My foster parents told me that he went out for a vacation....some days later we came to Winchester for a so called "vacation", my brother was still missing.....When we got out of the airport and were in a parents died in that car accident.......I survived......then I came to the orphanage

Lawliet: Y-your brother?

Y/n: After years of investigating I found out that we came to Winchester to save my sister but.....we couldn't and she died too........I saved you because I couldn't see another loved one die in front of me......I apologize if I was wrong...

Lawliet: (pulls her into a hug) I-I-Im so s-sorry! I didn't know!

Y/n: (starts crying) Please just stay by my side......t-thats e-enough for m-m-me...(sleeps)

Lawliet: (whisper shout) How can someone be so sleepy!!!

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