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Time Skip

It has been 3 years since you and Lawliet became detectives. Teru is your boyfriend now and Lawliet always despises him when he is not there. Teru doesn't know that you are (your codename). You both are one of the biggest detectives in the world. You and Lawliet have a codename and have never shared your real name with anyone, Lawliet's codename is L and yours is (your name's initial letter).

A kidnapping case is going on in which girls are getting abducted. You and Lawliet are working on that case.

Y/n: I am going to get some water, do you want anything?

Lawliet: yeah a.....CAKE! by the way our people have captured the back profile of the kidnapper (shows it to Y/n)

Y/n: (Sits down) Nice....Also there are more than one kidnapper, did you know?

Lawliet: What! How do you know?

Y/n: If you would have noticed the finger prints there were 2 completely different finger prints.

Lawliet: Really?!

Y/n: Yeah.........

Lawliet: You are a pretty good observer to be honest

Y/n: I know......(poker face)

Lawliet: Atleast............say thanks

Y/n: No.........(poker face part 2) By the way I have a date with Teru so I have to go this evening. PLEASE! have dinner without me.

Lawliet: Why do you like him?! I am so much more better than that "TERU".

Y/n: Lawliet, do you even know you are indirectly proposing me...

Lawliet: Wait......was I ?

Y/n: Yeah......Anyways if I break up with him I will have to date you, you are my backup lol

Lawliet: WTF (*why do my cheeks feel warm*)

Y/n: Just look at your face lol

Time Skip

Leaving For The Date

Y/n: Bye, Lawliet

Lawliet: Bye, just be careful ok?

Y/n: Yeah, don't worry (leaves)

Lawliet: (sighs) (goes back to work)

On The Way

Y/n: This place is kinda scary to be honest.....who cares..... (suddenly you see 5 men in front of you) (*WTF!!!*) (panicking) (*is it........them......even Teru) (stunned to speak) (they kidnap you)

Between Us (L Lawliet X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ