Ch-14 The News

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You were chilling in your bed, watching news while being half asleep. Lawliet was in the balcony chillin.

Y/n: (yawns) (changes the channel) Lawliet...

Lawliet: Yeah?

Y/n: When will you sleep?

Lawliet: I will come after some time. You should sleep.

Y/n: Nooooo! I wanna watch more T.V.

Lawliet: Fine...sleep after 30 mins.

Y/n: OK! (smiley)

Lawliet: (*CUTE!!*)

Y/n: (Watching news)

T.V: A really dangerous criminal has escaped the prison. We cannot tell his name but can show his face.

Y/n: (she saw the horrific face of her ex boyfriend) (all the disturbing memories started flashing in her mind) (*gasp*) (closes the T.V) (silently crying)

Lawliet: (Wasn't paying much attention) What happened? You said you will sleep after 30 mins?

Y/n: (trying not to stutter) (hides her face with the blanket so that he cannot see her tears) I w-was bor-bored.

Lawliet: (concerned) Y/N! Why are you crying?! (rushes towards her)

Y/n: (not replying) (sobbing hard)

Lawliet: WHAT HAPPENED TELL ME!! (puts y/n's head on his chest)

Y/n: I-I wa-was watching the t-t-v an-and in the n-news th-they said th-that T-Teru esc-esca-escaped pris-prison.

Lawliet: (boiling in anger) Don't worry Y/n, you have me, I will never let anything happen to you. We will sentence him to death. shhh! (patting y/n's head) Calm down! (places y/n's head on his lap) shh!

Y/n: I-I don't fee-feel good, Lawliet.

Lawliet: Just try to sleep. (kisses her forehead) (strokes her head) Shh! It's ok, I'm here.

Y/n: (sleeps)

Lawliet: (the day when he saw y/n covered in bruises not able to speak, helpless and scared appeared in his mind) (*gasp*) (starts crying)

Y/n: (talking in sleep) Lawliet.....why are you crying? don't worry I will buy you more sweets (hugs him)

Lawliet: (smiles) (mumbles) I cannot afford to lose her......

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