Part 5: Turtle Titan's true arch nemesis Part 2

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"KLUH!" Mikey cried in fear

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"KLUH!" Mikey cried in fear. "Why are you here, last time we fought, you and your father cheated during the rematch at the Battle Nexus two years ago."

'Kluh?' Spider-Tsundere asked. "Isn't that Hulk spelled backwards."

Mikey turned to Spider-Tsundere for a quick moment. "Really? Now's not the time for that!"

"Two years indeed." Kluh said. "But this time, this rematch... Is personal. This is my revenge!" He then grabbed Mikey by his costume. "This time, I take this duel into your dimension for good!"

The turtle shrieks as the Levram the threw him to the wall of the Justice Force HQ again and then grabbed him by the neck. "But, the last time you try to pick a fight with me in my dimension, the Daimyo stopped you and brought all of us to the Battle Nexus, he'll do it again." Mikey said.

"The Battle what?" Spider-Tsundere asked in confusion.

"You think I'm a fool, turtle? I learn from my mistakes." Kluh said. "I know the Daimyo's law and he will sense my presence and send Gyoji to force me to return with you to the Battle Nexus once again. But not this time, my wizards created a magic spell to cloak my dimensional presence from the Daimyo. Allowing me to finally exact my revenge upon you once and for all! And soon, your family will perish with you, and I will conquer your world in the name on the Levram race!"

"My brothers and father will stop you, Kluh." Mikey said, hitting Kluh with his shield.

"They won't." Kluh said, breaking Mikey's shield. "It's only a matter of time before they know I'm here. I need you alone so I can finally destroy you without your brothers and father here to interfere. And I needed a distraction to keep the costumed freaks out of my revenge!"

Silver Sentry sees Mikey and Spider-Tsundere with Kluh. "Turtle Titan! Hold on!" He flew towards Kluh forking his weapons to strike him, but the Levram ended up blocking the punch by kicking the superhero hard in the gut, but as Silver Sentry was about to land a striking punch, unfortunately Kluh used Mikey as a shield. Silver Sentry held his fist, stopping him from punching Mikey. And Kluh punched Silver Sentry to his Levram guards. "Destroy him!"

"Silver Sentry!" Spider-Tsundere rushed towards the Levram warriors fighting Silver Sentry, and she tries to fight them off.

Kluh then threw Mikey in the air, the turtle titan screamed like a girl and Kluh jumped towards him, punching him in the gut, until Mikey fell in the rooftop of the Justice Force headquarters. "This is a moment I will saver." Kluh said. "With each crushing blow, your life will end slowly. Now, prepare to die!" He took out his weapon, the spear staff and dashed towards the Ninja turtle.

Thankfully, Mikey still has his shield, which was in a broken triangular shape, and his primary weapons, his nunchucks. "Okay Kluh, you want round 3, fine! But this time... After strike 3, you're out!" He said. He yelled as he charges towards the Levram, and blocked his staff from hitting him with his shield. And smacked him in the face with his nunchuck. "You forgot something too Kluh, a lot has happened in 2 years since I beaten you fair and square last time. I was trained in the future for a year."

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