A Shopping Spree! - 8

Start from the beginning

"Wait- wait- wait- wait- wait a minute... back up a second here," Enid backtracked out, literally backwards and standing in front of the door, her back facing Wednesday.

Wednesday still had the knife in her hand, raised up.

"What am I even gonna do for my morning routine? I don't even have a toothbrush or a brush even! O- oh my gosh!" Enid's tone suddenly sounded like she was crying, "Oh- oh no! I don't have makeup!"


The duo walked into the main market of the town, first looking for the closest shoe shop or craftsman there.

Makeup would be the LAST thing on their list.

They passed by several cuisine stands, making Enid want food more than shoes for her own poor feet. Wednesday told her off that they would get her breakfast after she got proper shoes, as long as it wasn't pancakes.

A pout and a whine later, they finally walked into a shoe craftsman shop.

Enid had her sizes measured, which Wednesday had to walk out the shop when Enid couldn't stop laughing when the lady tried measuring. Too ticklish?

After glaring at Enid creepily through the window, waiting for a sign that she had finally stopped laughing from the "tickling," she came back in and was able to find a suitable area for Enid.

Enid immediately had her eyes set on some bright yellow shoes.

To Wednesday, they seemed a simple style fit for running and judging from the material, would last exceptionally long while remaining somewhat casual. To Enid, they looked epic. Even if it was just yellow plain shoes with laces.

Enid fitted in the shoes and walked around, pretending to pose in front of the mirror, "How do I look?"

"Revolting," Wednesday bluntly answered, "you make me want to gouge out my eyes."

Enid smiled awkwardly, "Ookay... I take that as okay."

"Do you like them?" the Addams surprisingly asked.

"Y-yes?" Enid answered back.

"Then they're fine, if you like them, it won't bother me."

Enid stared down at her shoes, twisting and shuffling around. She let out sighs and grunts thinking about later on, "But... but what if I don't like them?"

"What do you mean?" Wednesday furrowed her eyebrows, staring with serious confusion.

"I mean! I mean... what if I don't like them? Like today, I totes adore them, but tomorrow I really don't think it fits me."

"Sinclair, are you serious?"

"YES! But then, after the day I say I think they're totally out of date, the next day I think they're totally the new catch!"

"I have no idea what you just said to me," Wednesday sighed mutely and faced away, "I will give you five seconds."

"Five what now," Enid looked over and saw the metal of a blade hidden in Wednesday's sleeve.

Seriously, how many knives does this girl have?! How does she even manage to hide them?

They finally came to the conclusion and went up to the nice lady with the yellow pair of shoes.

Wednesday paid and Enid jumped right into the pair and started skipping around happily.

Wednesday strolled out the door, rolling her eyes as the chipper blonde followed behind still skipping in her brand new shoes, showing them off sort of.

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