The Beginning of Chaos ★

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The bright sun lit up the bustling street in France. Alfred strode happily though the beautiful city, on his way to the next meeting.

"Excusez-moi, sauriez-vous où se trouve ce bâtiment(Excuse me, do you know where this building is)?" He asked someone who seemed to be a tour guide. (I USED A TRANSLATE APP. PLEASE CORRECT ME FOR ANY MISTAKES.)

"Descendez cette rue, puis allez à droite (Go down this street, then go to the right)." The guide replied.

"Merci(Thank you)!" Alfred smiled and headed for the meeting.

As he entered through the hotel's lobby, he saw some countries chilling on the couches, talking to each other.

"So you did come back!" Arthur walked up to him.

"I said that I'd try and make it." Alfred shrugged and smiled.

"Well then, let me show you where the meeting room is." Arthur started walking.

Alfred followed up a few stairwells and down a hall until they reached some large, brown oak doors.

"There's only a few countries in here. Most are scattered around the building." Arthur explained, gently opening one of the doors.

Alfred took a deep breath and walked in.

"Good morning!"

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I really hoped you enjoyed this story. I like to think of this last chapter as like, the beginning to an end type of thing.

What do you guys think about a sequel? It would sorta be like the one shot book I have, except it would be that the countries don't know Alfred that well and learn some (dark) new things about the American culture and all.

Let me know, for sure! Thanks for reading!

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