Personification Chaos ★

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"Ivan, where are you-" Arthur paused and stared at the two wrestling on the ground.

"Wait up!" Francis started, running behind Arthur, also pausing when he saw the scene.

Alfred and Ivan immediately paused when they saw the two, but the Russian saw this as an opportunity to tackle at the American once again.

Alfred quickly dodged, resulting in them fighting and once again.

"Angleterre, we should probably stop them-" Francis quickly started as he ran towards the fighting duo.

Ludwig quickly approached from the trees after hearing all the ruscus going on, and once taking in the scene, he ran ahead to helo Francis.

Somehow (don't ask how), they managed to get the two to stop quaraling by holding each one back.

"Let's not fight, shall we?" Arthur said, standing between the two.

Eventually, more countries caught up, taking in the sight of the Russian with the bloody nose and bruises, and the American with various bruises and pipe marks.

"Fine, we'll stop." Ivan said, clearly not liking being restricted. Ludwig let go of him, same so did France for Alfred.

"He managed to break Ivan's nose! And got away with it!" Feliciano burst out laughing, successfully gaining a slap on the back of his head from Ivan.

"Gotta admit, I have no clue on how Ivan let you get away with that." Kiku teased.

"I- wasn't fighting- with my full strength." Ivan said, mad and embarrassed.

"Sure you weren't." Alfred said sarcastically.

"Now, why were you spying on us?" Ludwig asked, emphasizing the you.

"I- wasn't- spying..." Alfred thought very carefully what to say.

"Then what were you doing?" Arthur questioned.

The countries began to surround him so that he wouldn't be able to get out.

"Just admit who you are already," Francis thought about how to word this, "The more lies, the more suspicions you'll raise."

Alfred thought very hard.

"Okay, I'm probably gonna get killed for saying this," Alfred paused, and stared at Matthew. "I'm Alfred F. Jones, and I'm the personification for the United States of America."

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This is the last of the prewritten chapters. In fact, I think there's just one more chapter until this book will be complete, but we'll vote on that for whenever that comes out and if you guys want more on it.
Thanks for reading!

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