Nation Chaos ★

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"I'm Alfred F. Jones, and I'm the personification for the United States of America."

The countries stared in shock. This bloody, young, 19 year old teen in front of them represented the world's superpower?!

Arthur nervously said, "Lad, you're going to need to prove that."

"Sure, Iggy." Alfred smiled and winked, causing Arthur to stumble back at the nickname, helping him clearly remember the events of the American Revolution.

In each and every memory, Alfred was there. He never directly talked to Arthur, but he fought against him, supplied his soldiers, and helped with various things.

Francis caught the Brit. "Angleterre, are you okay?!" He asked in concern, eyeing the American in confusion.

"It- bloody hell, it is you." The Brit mumbled in surprise.

Everyone stared once again at the young man.

Alfred opened his mouth to say something, but the roar of helicopters blades were heard overhead. This alerted some of the animals in the forest, causing them to leap and scamper around.

Alfred looked around. "One sec." He said as he grabbed his phone and punched a number.

"Heyyy, boss!" Alfred said in the most cheerful tome he could muster. He moved the phone away from his ear, despite it being on silent, making other nations watch awkwardly.

A loud yell was heard over the phone. It wasn't completely understandable, but it was loud. Alfred sighed in irritation as the voice continued yelling for a few minutes.

"Okay, okay! I get it. I'll get my work done soon. Just call off the military for now!" Alfred reasoned as the yells died down.

There was some more chatter as Alfred held the phone to his ear.

"Dude... I'll be back in around 20 minutes, okay?! Then you can do whatever the hell you want." Alfred sighed.

After pausing and listening for a few moments, Alfred ended the call. "Okay. Thanks. Bye."

"Does your boss have anger issues?" Matthew asked as soon as the call ended.

"You bet." Alfred sighed and shrugged.

He quickly brightened up and said, "I have exactly 5 minutes before I need to go back... so I can answer any questions."

After 5 minutes of busy chatter, Alfred glanced at his watch. "Oops, I need to get going! See you at the next meeting... if I don't get put into isolation by my boss."

He quickly ran into the forest, further confusing the nations.

"Where does that forest lead?" Francis asked, a bit concerned.

"I'm not sure- we're on American soil." Arthur commented.

"Well, we'll know if he comes to the next world meeting." Ludwig said.

"Well then, I'm looking forward to having someone who's stronger than you guys to fight." Ivan said cheerfully.

"Shut up, Ivan!" Most nations said, and Ivan just chuckled.

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I finished writing the last chapter earlier today! It'll be out tomorrow (most likely) and this should be complete. Then, I'll be back to working on the random one-shots, and I have another story idea in mind, which I've really been thinking of.
Thanks for the support!

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