Military Chaos ★

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Recognizing the voice instantly, Alfred yelled "DUCK!" while quickly grabbing his handguns.

"Wh-" Arthur started, just as a bullet barely missed him.

A split second after, it errupted into chaos.

Bullets were being fired from the American choppers outside, countries were running, ducking, and dodging, everyone was screaming.

After trying to shoot the copters a few times, his handguns didn't have any bullets, so Alfred quickly shoved them in the case on his belt, took a quick glance at the copters and opened the heavyly secured doors of the meeting room with a small gesture to help others get out.
Countries started rushing out the doors, with Ludwig quickly navigating them out, and Ivan walking out as if it was a regular meeting. And behind them, Alfred, who made sure to shut the door.
As the other countries rushed out, the two men stayed behind.

Alfred quickly made a turn towards the stairs, hoping that he was going the right way.

The certain American and Russian ran down the stairs until they reached the ground floor. Alfred quickly ran to what doors looked like the way out, and let out a breath when he saw the forest.
Peering over his shoulder to see the Russian following, Alfred ran inside the forest, trying to hide so that he could call the military off, hop on a copter, and fly away without any of the countries knowing who he was.

But, Ivan was excellent at following. As the American ran, he started to pick up speed, following close behind.

"Where are you trying to run, hm?" The Russian said slyly as he tightly grabbed the "spy's" hand.

Alfred froze, slowly turning to make eye contact with the Russian.

"Why were you spying on us?" Ivan asks.
"Uhm..." Alfred struggles as he tries to get out of the Russian's grip, glancing around nervously for an escape.

"Listen, boy, you aren't going anywhere until you give us- or me, some answers." Ivan watches as the teen struggled under his grip.

"It would be a great time for boss to send some military into the forest..." Alfred thought while rolling his eyes.

Ivan (who could not read thoughts, fyi) looked at the young man in surprise. Did he just roll his eyes at him?!

"Kolkolkolkolkolkolkolkol" the Russian started chanting as a warning.

Oops. Alfred perceived this as a warning and finally broke free of Ivan's grip. Ivan swung his pipe towards Alfred, while the American was quick to deflect it. The Russian lunged at Alfred, succeeding in taking both of them to land hard on the ground.

Alfred winced at the impact, but quickly scooted over as he saw the Russian peering down at him with a sinister smile. He tried to throw a few punches, which successfully landed on Ivan's nose, making him bleed.

Ivan stared in shock as his expression grew angry. Soon he kicked the American, managing to somewhat injure his foot, and so Alfred leaped back at Ivan.

If you were watching them at that moment, it would look like one of those crazy action fighting scenes in movies.

Alfred leaped at Ivan, Ivan moved away and leaped at Alfred, successfully bringing them both to the ground (again).

Just as they were both about to jump at each other again, footsteps grew near.

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Don't expect daily posts or whatever. Writing some of these chapters took a few days, but I didn't make them public until I wanted to. I just have one more prewritten chapter, then I plan on doing a final, and BOOM! Book completed.
Thanks for the support!

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