Coffee Epilogue

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This was supposed to just be a late call, but who can resist a man who brings you coffee? Not you, not Doc.

"uh doc?" Kyle, one of your personal favorites knocked on your office door "yes?" you asked and he handed you a coffee and sat down "thank you for trying, even if he doesn't wake up, Reaper needs him, he's like a brother to them, at least I think" his eyes started to water and you reached across to softly touch his hand "give him another day or so, he'll wake up, hell be in some pain but he'll wake up" you assured and he smiled "I hope I didn't mess up your coffee, I made it like I make mine" he huffed and you smiled "I guess we like out coffees the same Kyle" you smiled again and he laughed "call me Gaz, please" he smiled shaking my hand "well Gaz I'm just know as Doc around here" I laughed and he shook his head.

You couldn't resist his smile, especially when he would come to you for the smallest cut or bruise and almost catch you looking at your file, the list of crimes slowly depleting because of your work in the task force. "whats that Doc?" he would ask clueless and you would close it quickly and smile at him "patient file, nothing really" you shook your head as he would pull a chair over and sit with you in silence and you filled out paper work.

You would be stupid to think he obviously wasn't hiding something too, I mean he had to be, no guy is as perfect as him without a dark past.

That's what made you so sweet and innocent appearing, your dark past.

He would obviously never find out, unless something happens and the file leaks, or he finds out about you family and the shit you went through before.

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