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I lugged the last of my shit into the temp room, huffing, my arms were sore and they kind of hurt like a bitch.

The house had a gym, pool, two bedrooms, a full kitchen, and it was furnished.

“Of course your in here” I huffed seeing Ghost at the punching bag, “what about it?” he asked and I huffed “look just apologize, if you do I will” I stepped forward and he stepped towards me “why should I apologize first? You made assumptions, and brought up my family” he stated and I clenched my fist “you said you hoped I died, that fucked up!” I yelled and he walked over to the ring “fine, I’m sorry for saying I hope you die” he huffed offering a hand to help me into the ring “I’m sorry for bringing your family into it” I took his hand and he helped me over the ropes, his hands were planted softly on my waist and mine were on his shoulder.

“You took my down by the way, and had me pinned” he walked over to his side of the ring unwrapping his hands, “anger is the strongest superpower” I smiled, I could feel his steps behind me and I turned just in time to doge his attempt to grab me.

“Your getting better at sensing people, I’m proud. But I wanted to work on your takedown, if your up to it?” he asked and I shrugged “are you?” I asked and he nodded.

“The key to getting someone down, whether their taller, or bigger is to go for the legs” he waved me to come closer and I did as he said, I went for his legs.

With a hard enough pull I had him down and I quickly got on top to pin him down “ok so now when you have them pinned, you want to sit as low on them as possible” he moved my hips back so I was on his hips, my ass over his crotch.

“now tell me what’s wrong here?” he asked and I reached for his hands only for him to push my hands away “I need my hands free, you messed up but not throwing the gun” he reached for an invisible gun and pulled it, shooting me.

I huffed and repositioned myself, this time I reached for the gun throwing it to the side.

“Good girl, learn from your mistakes” he praised and I blushed, if it wasn’t already for the redness of my skin he would have been able to point it out.

“I know that made you blush” he huffed moving me off of him and my eyes went wide, “I’m sorry?” I asked and he huffed “I remember that day when I was trying to teach you how to shoot and I told you good girl, you got red as hell” he teased pinning me against the ropes.

“Ghost, lets not do this now” I looked down and he tilted my chin up “why not?” he asked and I huffed “because I don’t want to fuck on a boxing ring, as hot as that sounds” I looked at him and he looked at me, neither of us quite making the first move.

He let me go free and I went back to my room.

At least an hour later

I had just gotten out of a shower and got dressed when I got a call.

“hello?” I answered it and laid back on my bed “I missed hearing you voice, Y/n” Wolf spoke from the other side of the call and I shut my door.

“How the hell did you get my number!” I exclaimed quietly and he laughed “unimportant, look I need your help, one last job?” he asked and I huffed in bewilderment “look unlike you, I grew and  changed my ways, I suggest you do the same” I went to hang up but he stopped me.

“what if I go after your team, the one you left me for?” He asked and I froze “you even think to touch that team and I will kill you, slowly as you begin for mercy, Sorin” I hung up the phone and collapsed on the floor.

“Reaper, the fuck happened?” Price came into the room and I took a deep breath “Wolf knows everything, he wants to kill all of 141” I explained and he stood grabbing my suitcases “let’s get moving” he huffed and I followed him.

In the conference room

“Wait so you have a psychopathic ex boyfriend and you didn’t tell us?” Ghost asked and Soap nodded, “you see it’s uh” Price cut me off “your coming on the next mission, can’t risk leaving you alone” I widened my eyes a smile forming on my lips.

I had a plan, a stupid plan, but a plan.

I FUCKING HATE THIS CHAPTER!!!! (I hope you guys enjoy it, just don't be alarmed if I take it down to change it)

Trust. Vol. 1&2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz