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As I gave a nod to Ghost and Soap I lowered myself down, I hit the floor and the others shook their head. “I’ll take a closer look around in some of the rooms and look for some traces of him, keep watch” I nodded and the other three took position.

I saw something on the ground, Alex’s necklace, his ring was missing. “Guys we need to get back, I found something!” I yelled to the other three and I picked the necklace up.

In the helicopter

It had gotten pretty late and we were pretty far so I laid my head on Gaz's shoulder yawning, he looked down at me and I gave him a quick smile, he laid his head on mine and we started to go to sleep.

Back at base.

When we woke up a coat was around half of my body, Price’s coat. I got up and wrapped it around my arms tighter, when I got out of the helicopter with little help I immediately went inside to the computer room “care to tell us your plan, we could be out looking for him right now!” Price ordered and I opened the ring and note beside it.


The ring was a tracker, I guessed it, “there’s a signal, I need the coordinates sent to me, I need to go” I was stopped by Simon who grabbed my arms “what’s happening, we’re a team” he nodded and I took a deep breath “Markov has Alex, he wants me” I pushed past and hurried out to my bike.

Time skip

Sneaking into the exact place I would sneak out of as a teen wasn’t on your bucket list but here I was. I walked out into the hallways in the uniform they wore, “miss your not allowed to meet with the prisoner” one of the guards stopped me and I crossed my arms “Markov gave me access, move” I huffed and he stepped over as I went in.

“oh please no more!” Alex begged and I took the hat off, he had a swollen eye and blood was pouring from his mouth. I ran over and hurried to undo his restraints and I softly grabbed his face so he could look at me “Y/n? You can’t be here, there looking for you” Alex mumbled and I helped him up.

“boss wants him alive” I kept walking with Alex until I was stopped “two for the price of one, lucky me” I looked up to see Markov with an evil grin before he punched me right in the gut, I stumbled and Alex kept himself up as Markov nodded to Alex and he started to get dragged away, he was putting up a fight and yelling “get the fuck off of me! Don’t you touch her!” He yelled and I stood up, a hand on my stomach. “I can take worse than that, you trained me that way” I stumbled back and he smiled “I trained you very well my daughter” he nodded to his men and they grabbed me, one hit me in the back of the head and I fell.

Trust. Vol. 1&2Where stories live. Discover now