A Distraction

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Usually I wasn't allowed on the field like this, but today was an exception.

Usually if someone wasn't allowed to be on the field when it came to hand to hand combat it's because they couldn't deal with it or they got the jitters, but I was a different story, when I got on the field after the first 5 seconds everyone had lost me.

I was up on the wall watching my team work their way across the field to my current point.
Soap had gotten up first, then Gaz, Price, Alejandro, and Ghost last, "how'd you get here so fast?" Ghost asked and I smiled with a small wink, "I have my ways, follow me" I nodded and everyone followed me out of the plays to the security building.

"Gaz, watch cams and keep us safe, Price, watch the door and keep him safe" I Pat the two on the shoulder and left them, Ghost, soap, and Alejandro still following me.

We split off into 2 groups to clear the place, Ghost was with me. We entered the last building and there was a man and woman with guns "lower your weapons!" I aimed my gun and Ghost did the same, a shot went off and my movements faltered.

Ghost had shot the man while I shot the woman. I heard a thump upstairs so I cautiously walked the stairs with Ghost behind me.

I heard what sounded like a baby crying and I put my gun away opening the door.

A little girl who was about 5 or 6 was holding a baby trying to quiet him. "hey it's ok, I'm not a bad person" I attempted to assure and she looked back behind me seeing Ghost "is he a bad man?" She was scared and I shook my head.

"is it ok if we get you out of here?" I asked and she nodded "can I take your little sister?" I asked and she nodded "where are we going?" she asked starting to tear up, I softly grabbed her hand "I'm going to get you somewhere safe, you'll be ok" I assured her and handed her off to Simon who picked her up and covered her eyes.

"Price we have a code pink and blue, I repeat pink and blue, heading to the extraction point" I said into the small radio strapped to my vest and we kept moving.

At the helicopter

"do we get to ride in there?" the little girl who's name was Eden, and her brothers name was Rosemary "you do, but I need you to put on the headphones, it's really loud" I handed her headphones and she put them on sitting beside me as I kept her little brother close.

I looked at Ghost, tears brimming my eyes and his softened quickly walking over to me "I can watch the little ones, Price wants to have a chat" he assured me and I carefully handed the baby to him and he took my place.

"look I promise I didn't know there were kids, they shot first and I just-" Price hushed my by pressing on my arm "the bullet cut pretty deep into your arm, I know you didn't mean to leave those two orphans" he whispered and I nodded and he wrapped my arm temporarily.

Back at base

I dropped the kids off at the daycare area we had and made my way to the medical tent.

In no time my arm was stitched up and I went back to my room, I tried to keep myself from cry but I couldn't, I made two little kids orphans, I never want to put 2 kids through what I went through but here I am breaking my number one rule.

Hours later

I guess I had fallen asleep because when I woke up it was dark outside, and oddly quiet.

A knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts and I opened it to see Gaz "Do you want to get a drink?" he asked and I nodded, I shut my door grabbing a pair of jeans to replace my shorts and grabbed a hoodie.

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