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3 hours into interrogation

“it’s not nice to the people to chairs” I huffed looking at the man in front of me “don’t speak unless spoken too” Markov spat with a sharp slap to my cheek. “What do you want with me? You want me for leverage? Or do you want to use me to make a point?” I asked, I was curious I wanted to know.

“I want you to know the truth, you were lied to” he sat on the table and I laughed “I’m used to it at this point” I spat blood onto the floor and he rolled his eyes. “bring me the file” he ordered and a blue colored file was handed to him, it had blood splattered onto it, a name is Russian scribbled onto it, and different stickers and things clipped to it.

“This may interest you, what does that say?” he asked and I shrugged “I don’t know Russian, I never had a reason to learn it” he scoffed and I rolled my eyes “it says Y/n “Bell” Markov, that makes no sense, I’m not a Markov I’m a L/n? I put a bullet through my mom two years ago, then faked my death to get away from the murder charge because that was an unauthorized mission” I explained and he smiled “you faked your death because when the news got out I would find you, your like has been staged for years! Your mother died giving birth to your little sister, Eden, right years ago” he cut the roped and threw the file down, it fell open and there were photos of me I don’t remember being took.
A picked up the information page and leaned back in my chair.

“last year Y/n Markov went missing during a risky mission, it’s unknown if she survived or was captured to this day her whereabouts are unknown. The CIA has been known for looking for leverage and if they have her we have no chance of winning this fight”

My face fell and I kept looking at the photos of me and Markov, this was all real, my life had been a lie.

“I remember getting the call that you had went missing, your mother and I were worried sick, but we knew you would make it, we hoped on it” he leaned across the table and I stood up grabbed the folder
“what the hell”
Markov scoffed “that’s all you have to say? Not even a hi dad?” he asked and I looked up at him “how do you expect me to take this information, do you expect me to thank you for putting me as a target across the world? Or maybe for the fact that I can’t look anyone in the eye knowing that I’m related to some piece of shit!” I pushed him back and ran.

The ring signal didn’t say Alex was anywhere near here anymore, he was back at base. I found my bike and left, tears stained my cheeks but I didn’t have time to stop and think, I needed to figure this out.
Back at base.

I went to the conference room and called 141, Kate, and Shepard here.

They arrived cautions to see me sitting with my feet on the table and the contents of the Russian file spread on the table. “Shepard, I’m giving you one shot to explain this and if you don’t, or you lie to me, there will be consequences” I dropped my feet and he looked at the table before grabbing the file.

“the hell were you doing back at that place!” He yelled and I stood up “Markov wanted me, why?” I asked and he shrugged “the hell if I  know, he’s probably trying to use you as leverage!” he threw the folder down and I smiled “like you used me for leverage, I wondered why the building was so familiar, maybe it’s because I lived there for years of my life” the boys were looking at the photos now and Shepard looked at them.

“They knew about it all, they all wanted in on the experiment” he motioned to the team and Gaz softened his face shaking his head “why did Markov want me?” I asked one last time and Shepard sighed “Markov isn’t technically your dad, yes that woman wasn’t your real mom but we needed her dead, your real parents died because of Markov and before any of the team could find survivors he found you and took you in” Shepard explained and I stepped back “you guys knew about it? And none of you told me?” I asked the team and they just looked shameful.

I grabbed the file and it’s contents leaving, rain was pouring when I got outside, it was loud and harsh, it sounded like bullets hitting the roof of the building. My arm was grabbed and I turned around to see Ghost “you can’t leave, not now!” he argued and I threw my bags in the trunk of the car “why not Si? I just found out that everything I’ve even know about myself is a lie!” I yelled, tears of anger and frustration burned my eyes, my skin was hot.

“because I need you! Four years ago you came into my life and I was getting better! I was better because of you!” he yelled at me and I shook my head “I’ll give you a call Ghost” I got into the car and left Ghost to stand there.

Trust. Vol. 1&2Where stories live. Discover now