"Not mentally stable?"

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My head hurt, my shirt was too big and I had no pants on.

First, I think I drunk too much last night, anything to get my mind off what happened, Second, this definitely wasn’t my shirt, I vaguely remember puking on my shirt and this shirt was lacking that.

A knock on my door pulled me out of my thoughts and I got up to answer it “not who I was expecting to see come out if this room but not surprising” Gaz joked and I groaned looking at the name on the door “Ghost? That explains the shirt” I mumbled and Gaz held out clothes for me “get dress, Price, Soap, and Ghost are waiting for you” he smiled and I groaned going to shower.

Being in his bathroom reminded me of the days where I would sit and cry on his bathroom floor drinking a bottle of Bourbon with him.

He had apple scented shampoo and conditioner, and oddly feminine smelling soap, after I showered and I was drying my hair I noticed his normal skull mask was sitting on the counter, along with a small tin of waterproof black liquid eyeliner “that’s how you do it!” I exclaimed quickly leaving his bathroom to go to the training room.

“took you long enough!” Price announced and I blushed in embarrassment before taking my place in the ring with Soap, over the years he had become my warm up partner, before I got to the big boys.

We stretched and ran through some moves and new techniques before I moved onto Ghost.

“I woke up in your room, why?” I asked and he cracked his neck “not even a your welcome for making sure you didn’t choke to death on throw up, you are surprisingly bratty today” he tried to rile me up to no avail “can it Riley, it won’t work” I huffed getting into position.

“you know what you did last night wasn’t very professional” he went to hit me in the gut but I stopped his hand and turned into him delivering an elbow to his stomach.

“The fuck do you mean last night?” I grunted trying to flip him over my shoulder, only for him to sweep my leg and get me into the mat pinned under him “I’m sure you’ll remember soon enough, maybe a mistletoe rings a bell?” he questions tightening his grip on my wrists with his one hand.

“Come on Y/n fight!” Price yelled and I brought my knee up to his stomach and ad I was backing away from him it hit me.

I pulled him down onto my lips and kissed him softly, the feeling of his scarred lips on mine was pleasing until he pulled away.

I shook it off and charged him in hoped of taking him down. It felt like I hit a fucking wall with how sturdy he was, I fell back from the force and hit my head the hardest, feeling it bounce off the mat falling again.

As I turned over struggling to get up, a red liquid dripped onto my arm and I noticed my nose and started to bleed.

I wiped my upper lip with my thumb one I was back on my feet and I licked the blood off my thumb off my hand I smiled and my eyes looked to movement in the door, “Alex?” I questioned before falling back.

When I woke up I was in the infirmary but I was free to go “make sure you take it easy, you got knocked pretty hard” the nurse said and I nodded at him.

I pushed through the door of Price’s office slamming my hands on the table, ignoring the rest of the team “we need to talk” I demanded and he looked around the room “alone” I huffed and he waved everyone away “you heard the girl” he waved again and I pulled the chair in front of his desk, locking the door and sitting in the chair.

“I saw Alex, when we were training” I explained and Price stood walking to stand beside me “I know you probably think I’m crazy, but it’s like he was actually there” I blinked back tears and took a deep breath.

He reached for my hand holding it softly “I’m still mourning” he kept his eyes on his feet and I looked up at him “really?” I asked and he nodded “I know it’s not the same, I lost a man who was like my brother, he was obviously a lot more to you” Price explained and I nodded.

“last night I drunk as much as I could to forget it, I kissed Simon, and I regret it because I feel like shit because even though I kissed Simon I don’t even know if I like him” I dropped my head aiming to hit the table but instead hit Prices hand.

“Do me a favor and don’t put up an argument when I tell you your not mentally stable enough for the mission” he huffed and my head jerked up “no mentally stable enough? All because I saw my dead ex?!” I exclaimed and he laughed “I’m sorry” he pat my head leaving.

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