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Two days after the incident.

Third person

There are 2 people Ghost had openly cared about.

Soap and Reaper.

For two days straight Ghost would visit your room unnoticed, close the door and just sit, he would update you on something Eden had done with her little brother, or give you an update on if it were really going to snow.

He wouldn’t plainly admit it but he loved you, whether it was as a friend or more was obvious to everyone but him.

141 noticed how he would sneak away, how he would look after Eden like he promised, or how he took the little stuffed bear from your room, just to have something to remind him of you.

Price would stand at your door as Doctors did tests on you, or gave you more blood from a donor. In between the actual shot, and how long the helicopter ride was you had lost a lot of blood.

All Price cared about was you coming out alive, you were his kid, if Gaz was ‘son’ you were his ‘daughter’ and he loved you equally.

He buried himself in paper work after you went into surgery because he was scared, he didn’t want you to die.
Soap was close to you, shockingly close.

After your big fight with Ghost the second you were back to your room he came knocking and squeezed you so tight you may have gotten a broken rib.

He would come by your room during the visiting hours and gossip with you, or tell you about how much Ghost was thinking about you today.

“when we snapped him out of the daydream he left to go here, that man is in love with you Y/n you need to realize this!” He exclaimed quietly and you gave his hand a squeeze “Johnny?” Your voice was quiet and kind of raspy.

A doctor came rushing in after his calls for one and he was pushed to the waiting room where he was waiting on the rest of 141.

When they arrived Price was a mess, two days of sleepless nights can do it to you, Gaz was busy tapping his foot on the ground, he was worried, really worried.

Ghost had himself propped up against a wall, he was waiting to be told he could visit, what shocked the team the most was the child sitting on his hip she was asleep and lightly snoring.

“She’s awake, she requested to see Price first” the doctor nodded and Price left to her room.

“I’ve finally been fatally shot Price, I did it” I smiled and he kissed my head “your not doing that again” he mumbled and you laughed “not even one more” you joked and he smiled “anyone in specific you want next?” he asked and you shook your head.

Soap and Gaz came running into the room “I guess your gossip did it Johnny” you laughed, grabbing your stomach in pain “we thought you were dead!” Gaz exclaimed and hugged you as best as he could.

After three hours of talking.

“Good morning” Ghost set Eden down in the chair and sat by your feet “morning to you too Ghost” you reached for his hand, a singular tear falling from your eye “everything is ok, Eden is alive and damn healthy, strong too, beat Johnny in an arm wrestle” he joked and you smiled “how’s the pain?” he asked and you just shrugged “I’m hopped up on pain meds so not too bad right now” I smiled and he ran his hand over the stitches.

“I’ll drop her off, I’ll come right back” he mumbled and you shook your head “Simon sweetheart wake up” you mumbled and his movements faltered “sorry?” he asked and you smiled “wake up” you called again and he froze.

His room was dark and cold, he liked it like that.

He looked at the bottle of Bourbon on his nightstand and huffed, the gang had managed to drag him out of town to not worry and to get a drink.
He could hear Soap going at some bimbo in the other room and he noticed the girl he had left him.

He sat up and looked up at the ceiling taking another swig of Bourbon, someone knocked on his door and he pulled his mask down, holding the blanket around his waist.

He looked through the peephole and saw Price, he opened the door as far as the lock would let him and looked at Price.

“Good news is her heart is back to normal, bad news, no sign she’ll be up soon” Price updated him and he nodded “I’ll let you get back to whatever you were doing, sorry Simon” he nodded and Ghost shut the door.

He didn’t know how Johnny could drink and fuck so much, his liver was fine and he has yet to catch an std.

Ghost found solidarity in his Bourbon and hand for the time being, the dumb broad could barley make him cum, his hand was better than her mouth.

He was exhausted, didn’t sleep because the nightmares, so he drunk, and drunk, and drunk.
He would pay good money for his girl to wake up, not his girl, his everything.

She was like his mom, as weird as it is to say he was attracted to someone who reminded him of his mother.

She was patient and calm with him, unless he started it, even then she knew what to joke about and what to say, she was the only woman other than his mom allowed to call him Si, and that was a sign of trust.
He stood up and decided to shower, he stood under the water for a minute, letting it run through his oddly long hair, down his face, and onto the floor.

He got out of the shower and put some clothes on, and from a distance there was frantic knocking on his door “Johnny, shut the hell up!” he yelled opening the door “sorry mate, Price told me to run down here and tell you she’s awake, she asked for you” Simon faltered for a moment before grabbed his proper mask and leaving to Prices room.

Price already had the phone in his hand and everyone left the room, they knew he wanted to be alone with her.

“Si, is this you?” her voice was soft and easy, like if she spoke to loud the phone would break “yeah Y/n it’s me” he smiled in relief and he could hear her laugh slightly.

“oh god Si, I woke up and I was told the whole team left, I didn’t know what to do so I called price and asked for you, I know it’s late but I just wanted to hear your voice” she rambled on and her voice cracked, she sniffed and he could hear her start to cry.

“It’s ok girl, I’ll be there soon and I won’t leave your side, I promise” he really did mean it, she gravitated towards him, he didn’t know why, she just did, and he left her to walker up in a hospital bed alone.

“It’s ok that you got payback on me, I have to go to sleep now but I promise it’s ok” she had a smile apparent and she was giggling.

“Price, I shouldn’t have left, he just woke up alone after he was shot, he probably doesn’t even remember what happened” you sounded scared, they all knew why, but didn’t say anything.
The first chance you got you all got in the car and you spend back to base, taking the back roads so you didn’t get pulled over.

“I’m sorry Si, it was stupid of me to leave you” you mumbled and he reached up to wipe your tears “it’s ok girl, it’s ok” he mumbled as you smiled “yeah it is, it’s all ok” you calmed him, kissing his palm.

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