I Did something bad

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Price set my file on the table and I looked at the team, then back at Price. “It’s your call, you decide if they know or not” he said and I nodded sliding the file down the table, it stopped right in front of Ghost.

“Everything you need to know about me is in there, I mean everything” I took a deep breath and watched and Ghost opened it, his eyes scanning the pages then he slid it over.

Having so many people finding out the truth was scary, now I understand the suspense in scary movies.

“You’re a killer?” Soap questioned and I rolled my eyes “I may have killed a lot before” I shrugged looking down “I was young and stupid, I thought that killing would take away the pain I had, it didn’t and instead I have a criminal record taller than Si” I looked up and I couldn’t tell if they were disappointed or angry.

“I don’t know about everyone else but I’m standing with you, this is all you have, I won’t let you just loose that” Gaz walked over to my side and I smiled “yeah, I’m with Gaz, we have your back, all of us!” Soap yelled and I laughed hugging him “well then, good thing because that mission we sent Alex on? He’s missing” Laswell said and my smile dropped.

We worked out a plan on how we were finding Alex, Price, Gaz and Farah would head down while Soap and Ghost stayed on watch up top, we would go down into the bunker and try to find any trace of Alex.

I know chapters have been short but think of them as fillers before the main plot/ something so you guys don't have to wait.

Yes her having a deal with the CIA is a big plot point and Alex missing is also a big plot point

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