Chapter 23: Going Back

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"He better be okay. That's my only word on the matter." Daryl informed with death in his eyes. His brother was everything to him. Without Merle, he'd be lost.

T-Dog sighed heavily. "I told you, the geeks can't get at him. The only  thing that's gonna get through that door is us." he repeated, confident in his truth.

When the truck stopped and was parked by a series of train tracks, Glenn turned to them. "We walk from here." Without another word, all five men got out and began jogging further into the city.

Staying as silent as possible, they were able to make it back to the correct building without much trouble. When they walked into the department store, they found a few straggler walkers stumbling around. Moving stealthily, both Daryl and Arthur cautiously approached the only two corpses present. The archer used his bow as the marine threw his knife with expert precision. Once their path had been cleared, the group of five hurried out of the room and up to the roof. The hope on Merle's well being grew with every step taken.

After the chains had been broken, Daryl kicked the door open and rushed forward. "Merle! Merle!" he shouted, desperate to see his brother alive and well. But what they were met with was far worse than if he'd been simply killed.

On the ground next to the pair of handcuffs still locked to some piping was a severed hand and bloodied saw. "No! No!" Daryl yelled with heartbreak and a sense of unknowing. Merle couldn't be dead. He just couldn't be.

Breathing heavily, Daryl then let his instincts control his actions. Without a single second's worth of notice, he instantly aimed his crossbow at T-Dog with overwhelming rage. Rick moved in unison as he aimed his ready revolver at Daryl's head. Everyone remained still in the tense silence as they waited for the first move to be made. "I won't hesitate. I don't care if every walker in the city hears it." Rick said with a resolute tone.

After a long, emotional moment, Daryl finally lowered his weapon. In response, Rick followed his lead. He stared at T-Dog for a second, trying to compose himself to the best of his ability. "You got a do-rag or something?" Without another word being said, Daryl then went over to the severed hand. "I guess the saw blade was too dull for the handcuffs." he muttered, then picked the hand up to get a better look.

Once the hand had been wrapped up securely, he then went over to Glenn and put it in the backpack he wore. "He must have used a tourniquet-- maybe his belt. Be much more blood if he didn't." Arthur watched him carefully, feeling horrible for his brotherly loss and his part in making it happen. Though he also knew to stay silent when it came to such matters that involved the younger Dixon.

The five men followed the trail of Merle's blood into the building and down a flight of stairs. "Merle! You in here?" Daryl exclaimed, desperate to get his brother back. Moving swiftly and with caution, they hurried their search the best they could.

As they came to an office-like department, then found recently killed walkers along the trail. "Well then. Taking out two walkers literally one handed. Impressive, I'll give him that." Arthur said honestly.

"Toughest asshole I ever met, my brother." Daryl praised as he reloaded his crossbow with another arrow. "Feed him a hammer, he'd shit out nails."

"Any man can pass out from blood loss. No matter how tough he is." Rick said as they cautiously continued on their way.

The next place they came to was a kitchen like room. The moment Arthur saw everything in place; the iron, the belt/tourniquet, the flames on the gas stove; it all became clear. But Glenn didn't quite get it yet. "What's that burned stuff?" he asked as Rick pick the iron up.

"Skin." Rick replied grimly. "He cauterized the stump."

Daryl nodded. "I told you he was tough. Nobody can kill Merle but Merle."

But Rick could only see just how much the odds were against them. "Don't take that on faith. He's lost a lot of blood."

"Yeah?" the archer then walked over to a broken window. "Didn't stop him from busting out of this death trap."

Everyone followed to see what he meant. "He left the building?" Glenn asked incredulously. "Why the hell would he do that?"

"Of course he'd leave. To him, he's completely on his own. Staying here would be suicide." Arthur answered. "All he can focus on now is surviving."

T-Dog gave him a look. "You call that surviving? Just wandering out in the streets, maybe passing out? What are his odds out there?"

Daryl turned to look him in the eyes, his anger never dissipating. "No worse than being handcuffed and left to rot by you sorry pricks." he spat hatefully. He then looked only at Rick. "You couldn't kill him. Ain't so worried about some dumb dead bastard." he practically sneered.

"What about a thousand dumb dead bastards? Different story?" came Rick's immediate reply.

Sensing the building tension, Arthur decided to step in a bit. "When on a search and rescue, the first thing to do is establish rapport. The only way to play this game right is by using the knowledge and capabilities to our advantage. We have to work together to get this done." he said, already thinking up possible strategies.

T-Dog shook his head. "Only if we get those guns first. I'm not strolling the streets of Atlanta with just my good intentions, okay?"

Arthur nodded, "I agree. But how will we get to them and not die?"

"I'll do it. Alone. All I have to do is get in and get out." Glenn said with a final tone.

But Rick immediately shook his head in strong denial. "You're not doing this alone."

"Even I think it's a bad idea and I don't even like you much." Daryl agreed without care.

With a roll of his eyes, Glenn shut them down before Arthur had the chance to say even a word. "It's a good idea, okay. You just have to hear me out." he pressed. "If we go out there in a group, we're slow. We'd draw attention. If I'm alone, I can move faster." He then drew out a crude map of their area of the city. "Look. That's the tank, five blocks from where we are now. That's the bag of guns." The marine listened to his plan carefully, seeing clearly just how intelligent this young man was. "Here's the alley I dragged Rick into when we first met. That's where Arthur, Daryl and I will go."

The archer furrowed his brow in confusion. "Why me?"

"Your crossbow is quieter than Rick's gun and Arthur is trained in this kind of stuff. Now, while Daryl and Arthur wait here in this alley, I run up the street, grab the bag." Glenn went on confidently.

"You got us elsewhere?" Rick asked curiously.

He nodded, "You and T-Dog will be in this alley here. Rick then asked why they were positioned two blocks away and out of the area of action. "I may not be able to come back the same way. Walkers might cut me off. If that happens, I won't go back to Arthur and Daryl. I'll go forward instead. All the way around to that alley where you guys are. Whichever direction I go, I got you in both places to cover me." he explained. "Afterwards, we'll all meet back here."

Daryl studied him curiously. "Hey, kid. What'd you do before all this?"

"Delivered pizzas. Why?"

Arthur chuckled, "I would've been honored to have served with you." he praised easily, getting a flattered smile in return. If they stuck to Glenn's ingenious plan, he was sure they'd succeed.

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